
I like Rayner quite a lot, but Starmer absolutely would do the exact same thing and meet with JKR the next afternoon anyway.
Wait, she's wearing a trans rights button. Who do i have to kill to replace keir with her?
There is a particular kind of Labourite tactical cowardice that manifests in holding multiple logically contradictory opinions at once for expedience.
No you know what this isnt fair. This is all British politicians
Maybe it’s a Fptp thing? In Ireland it’s easier because you can sort into FF or FG but still be in the same functional political party at this juncture and that reduces cognitive dissonance for TDs probably
Standard liberal failure mode, too. Like attending a sports game & rooting for both teams
I don’t think it’s even that. Not even just every party but any organisation of any size full stop has people like this throughout the hierarchy. The right too, maybe even more so - just they’re so brazen you stop noticing it.
I don't actually think they're rooting for any team here. It's not really something they really think about so the smart things in their minds to not piss anymore off is to take all positions . Sometimes that makes even sense especially when its something you don't want to talk about.
In what way is that not just “politician”? It’s hardly like the Greens, SNP or Lib Dems aren’t rife with hypocrisies right?
Oh haha you beat me to it.
The thing about Starmer is that I don’t think he would see the contradiction in that
This is very true. The interesting thing about the man is that a lot of things that read as hypocrisy to me also seem to be his genuinely held beliefs.
In this regard he is quite different eg. from Blair, who was a mad evangelist for deliberate hypocrisy.
To be fair "meeting with" is very milquetoast. I'd happily meet with JKR! I just wouldn't then enact any of her policy preferences.
Yes, I mean, that's also true.
I didn't mean to undermine your point which I think is not unfair, but basically I just don't get that bothered with who politicians meet up and be polite to as long as it doesn't affect the actual way they wield their platforms and power.
I mean I also think this is as simple as 'he is somewhere on the centre-left but he is also 61 years old'