Beemer Tectonic

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Beemer Tectonic

Mad scientist, husband, neurodiversionary, pangaemer, data wrangler, cat-walker, LJ-bear, TomSkite, silent were-kraken, hyperfixational author/artist. Eight platypi in a lab coat and a guan-dao at the wedding.

Fully aware this is needlessly cryptic.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
I am at the stage of post-cold recovery where cough drops are a significant portion of my daily caloric intake. I do not love it.
forget whether "kiki" or "bouba" sound pointier. the REAL question, for which I am not aware of ANY linguistics research being done, is which of the following two sentences is more acceptable: - she kikid on my bouba till I semiotic - she boubad on my kiki till I semiotic
To be clear, people should have the right to wear a mask BOTH for health reasons and to protect against surveillance and doxxing.
The sun has set and it may only be 66F out, but it's the start of the weekend and the first day the pool is open, so I put on my trunks and hopped in anyway. Summer!
Last night I saw Punk Rock Factory at the Bluebird with my friend Matthew! They're a British band that plays pop-punk covers of Disney songs and cartoon theme tunes. It was a fun show! Had a good time.
Do you make things? Art/music/writing/whatever? If you've created something then you've brought something into the world that did not & could not exist without you specifically. Congratulations! It's not easy but you did it. You've expanded the universe & made it a more special place for everyone.
I'm not much connected with relatives online. I keep those parts of my life pretty firewalled. ... I just saw one of my siblings in an ad for Amway on Reddit, and my brain really doesn't know what to do with that.
So it would seem that if I forget to take my brain pills, I'm fine on *that* day, but the day *after* I have no cope and my executive function absolutely tanks. Guess who has two thumbs and forgot to take his pills yesterday? 👍👎
I saw a take that was like "bluesky needs an algorithm, I don't want to see 100 posts like 'i made coconut curry today'" and I cannot disagree more. I log on to humanity's World Wide Web to see human thoughts. I do not need a god damned robot to tell me which thoughts it thinks are the most human
Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Here's a list of all the best Christmas songs. (YouTube playlist at the end. Boy, I sure hope this threads correctly...) BEST XMAS SONGS: 1) Best Christmas Carol: The Muppet Christmas Carol (the movie)
The people who made Jurassic Park didn't think it was possible to change your gender and that's why they got eaten by dinosaurs. Moral of the story is: support trans rights or get eaten by dinosaurs
Just saw Godzilla Minus One and it was really, really good. Definitely recommended. Go see it for sure! Skreeyonk!
Jonksy was up in a tree and scared to jump down because it was a long way and the landing zone was all covered in crunky leaf. So I bent over and told him he could jump down onto my back instead. And he did! What a clever boy!
Speed Wolf always wins. Cheese Wolf just scans for sale stickers and lunges for anything reasonably-priced as we hustle on towards produce...
Inside you are two wolves, one of which wants to get through grocery shopping as fast as possible, the other of which wants to spend half an hour browsing the cheese display.
Soooo... here's a big chunk of where *my* brain has been this past year. (5000 words, pics, videos, & links.)
On Reddit, this would be called a thread-killer: a post so thoroughly comprehensive and well-constructed that it absolutely obliterates any need for further discussion about a topic.
I wrote about the common centrist lament, that so many of us refuse to be friends with conservatives over "political views." This suggests that conservatives want to be friends with us. It's a shock. I hadn't realized.
If You Want To Be Friends, Then Why Aren’t You Friendly? A look at one of the most alarming and pressing problems of our age: the much-lamented fact that "the left" won't be friends with "the right," over "political views."
Visiting family in Oregon. I just foraged a big handful of perfectly ripe blackberries and stuffed the whole thing in my mouth all at once and it's one of the most satisfyingly decadent things I've done in a long time. And then I did it AGAIN.
End of feed.