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Intergalactic art whore. Artist. Fur Affinity website owner. I will eat all your unwanted mozzarella sticks, no questions asked.

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Above my hospital bed. Call Don't fall Llama
I've always find it weird we just blow up billions of dollars in fireworks a year just because. I know some people like them, and that's fine, but it's always been odd to me that we're basically just detonating money in colorful displays.
Problems my vappy, Lumi, often encounters.
Fuck me, it's been almost two weeks. I am so tired of this shit.
Still a bit sick, though not as bad. I think I was coughing so hard this past week I pulled something. Blah. Me and the cat are just trying to vibe and sleep it off.
To quote Lindsay Graham...
Just figured I'd add this. 20+ years ago the Justice Department, under Republican rule, declared the statue of Lady Justice obscene and pornographic and covered her with a cloth. They don't respect tasteful nudity. Don't think they'll respect you.
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
hoping this was the final fever i feel like absolute death today, and I need a (normal) hyper potion to get me back on my feet but I think my brain's done trying to cook itself from the inside out like an eternally spinning 7-Eleven hot dog
Brain feels like melting Eeerything in my body is on fire Fuck I may have to go the ER but I can't afford that.
The government doesn't want you to know.
Ahh, I can finally draw again. The pain and bleeding has subsided and I can be let loose again to draw dumb eevee degeneracy. Have a quick dumb sketch.
The most important part of VRChat is looking down and being able to see your peets.
I may be biased, but Commander Meouch (TWRP & sometimes Ninja Sex Party) needs a BanchoLeomon-style version, because that mask and outfit absolutely SLAP. 11/10 kitty
$250 to have a bush uprooted and tamped down so I can camouflage my trash bins behind shrubbery to avoid 8X the fees. I dunno if it was worth it, but problem solved? That was legit all my money for the rest of the month.
When I see you eating a snack and I'm just waiting for you to ask if I want some. You... you are going to ask that, right?
Me: I need to take a few days off to let my hands heal. Debt: You will never have time to heal. Get back to drawing. Literally fucking bleeding out of my fingertips right now, but like... okay, fuck it. Who cares anymore. I'm so tired of this shit, and tired of job hunting with no results.
The email I just got while writing this post. Every time I think I have money I'm grimly reminded of all the debt I took on the pandemic just to survive and get FA back.
Sheetz knows their audience. Look at these specials. Their side items include buckets of mozzarella sticks (yes, I've ordered it!). The amount of mozzlongers you get is ludicrous, and they're just like "Okay, but now it comes with six hot dogs, ANOTHER bucket, and TWO big ass soda!" I'll take two.
I mean, we sold fake verification labels on FA for $8. What do you think? =P
ManorLords bugged out, and instead of wheat, I am now growing 100-200ft tall gardening hoes.
It's been about a year and a half and I'm only just starting to really recover. Yay.
I'm about to go have the weirdest fap.
That's right, I said hips for days. Art by Boxgoat.
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Not having a job is great!
Every now and then a download ends up vastly bigger than anticipated. Art by
Nothing like lounging in the pool on a relaxing day. Art by Spectrum Shift.
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