
Masking at cons is SO GREAT, y’all, for real, I haven’t gotten con crud in four years AND I AM A VENDOR, I AM BREATHED ON BY LITERALLY EVERYONE, strong recommend! It’s so good!
Side note, covid or not, I'm never going to another con unmasked again. I can't believe I just accepted getting sick *every time.* I was just letting all those people breathe into my mouth.
I also keep sanitizer on the table since everyone touches everything, it’s so great! It’s like a seat belt for your white blood cells!
The fact that if you mention "con crud" to any convention goer they likely know exactly what you mean regardless of the type of convention shows just how pervasive it is. And we just accepted it as perfectly normal! As horrifying as the pandemic is, the increased comfort with masking is a positive.
Just super normal to load up on zinc and orange juice so you just get crud and not some kind of weird ubercrud, because crud achievement was such a given. HOW DID WE LIVE LIKE THIS
It absolutely blows my mind that cons are not just making it a requirement to attend
Big Bad Con is! They have a Vax and mask requirement still in place.
Hell yeah!! I'm so glad to hear that. My local con dropped it to just 'highly encouraged' or some bullshit
I just attended my first 2 cons this year, masked the whole time, and didn’t get sick. That’s a MIRACLE for me. I would regularly attend dance weekends when I was younger & much healthier and get sick EVERY TIME.
ABSOLUTELY, the last time I went to a con unmasked (in the Before) I got con crud so bad I was sick for THREE MONTHS I always got sick after a con, no exceptions. But now that I mask up every time I don't get sick at all. Why did we live like that?
This. Like why go back to unmasking at all? I don't get it.
I put together a cool nausicaa cosplay… masked cosplays pls
When I remember that pre-pandemic I asked for the week after SDCC/WonderCon off every time because I expected to be sick with Con Crud, I shake my head. How is it just accepted as normal?
RIGHT? Con time off was always extra for “recovery” AND WE THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY???
Gotta say, since I still mask when I leave my house, I've enjoyed not being sick like, at all. The only sick time I've had to take in years is for days when the chronic migraines are migraine-ing too hard.
My state just made masking illegal unless you're actually sick. Gotta love it. Me, sitting here, immunocompromised cancer survivor, just like "Cool. Guess I'll die then."
How can they make it illegal? That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I’d be leading the charge.
Simple, the COVIDiots have a super majority in the House and Senate, and push what they want. So now, unless you're actively sick, you can't wear one. They even struck through the language that said "for health and safety reasons." Brought to you by the state that started Bathroom Bans for Trans!🙃
(For the record, I hate my state, and if I could afford to leave, I would. Especially since I'm trans. But I can't. So... I'm stuck here)
I’m so sorry. I know that’s not worth much 😞
I do appreciate it. It may not seem like it's with much, but solidarity is worth more than gold in these dark days. ✊💜
Yes! I don’t really worry about getting sick at con’s anymore annnd I don’t have to smell everyone’s sweaty BO the whole weekend. Just all around a much better con experience!
🙏 would like to go back someday 🙏
Cosigned! I usually work cons as admin and see SO many people but haven't gotten anything in YEARS
I've never had the opportunity to go to a con but knowing that wearing a mask helps you THAT MUCH... wow, that's a big "maybe this IS doable". Thank you!!