Drewbahr (he/his)

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Drewbahr (he/his)


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idk what the right thing to do is but it's pretty telling to me that the people in politics who I respect like AOC and Bernie are saying "we gotta make sure the leaky rowboat doesn't sink" and the people drilling holes in the bottom are like, Scott Peters
Like my feeling since Biden wrapped up the nomination has been that Biden is a leaky rowboat we've all been crammed into, and while being on a leaky rowboat sucks I'm rooting for it not to sink and annoyed at the other people on the boat who are seemingly determined to drill more holes in it.
What are we even doing anymore in this country. What hope do we have? What hope do our children have?
Having a toddler is sometimes telling someone you suspect may be cleverer than you not to lick a bench.
This nonsense doesn't just exist among conservative Gen Xers. Deep down, EVERYONE OUR AGES KNOWS IT. Our counterparts have been privy to these conversations, and we know this because YOU USED TO SAY THIS TO US BACK IN THE DAY. "I don't know about the whole race thing... I don't see color!" Lying.
This is the second episode of our series on trans healthcare, platforming trans voices. Today Huey shares his experience of being a young trans man, having to fight every step of the way to receive the care he needs for his mental and physical health. lindamciver.wordpress.com/2024/02/22/g...
Gender Affirming Care part 2 – Huey’s storylindamciver.wordpress.com This is the second episode of our series on trans healthcare, platforming trans voices. Today Huey shares his experience of being a young trans man, having to fight every step of the way to receive th...
fuckin.... subscribe to my newsletter!!!!!!!! i work so hard on it!!!! its good!!!!! buttondown.email/theswordandt...
Stripe Checkoutbuttondown.email
. @ifbookspod.bsky.social @michaelhobbes.bsky.social you heard of this guy, Fredrik deBoer? He's written some magnificently "oThEr LeFtIsTs WoN't SaY tHiS" books and I'd be curious to hear your takes on them.
Whoever out there can talk some sense back into Roman Mars and 99PI, please do. That episode about Chick Tracts is absolutely shameful
Observation... bsky.app. BS KY app. It's some bullshit lube app.
Hmm, I may need to actually engage with things around here. Seems nicer than its predecessor.
A brand new social media site on which to lurk. Sweet.
End of feed.