
The answer to every story about elite college admissions is to make sure every American has access to a low price high quality public education within a reasonable drive of their hometown. The wild thing is we mostly achieved this. Then destroyed it.
If we know everything is gameable with wealth, I never understand why the push isn't for high quality, affordable education at a college near you!
Because if everyone has access to a good quality education what's left to brag about?
Yeah - well, it's fine if people have access to good-quality education, the key is whether or not they have access to high-prestige education and the connections and status that go with it.
Nobody's paying for $120k Ivy League tutors because they think it's the best way for their kids to be educated.
Yup but also, many of those kids already have connections from prep school. The whole thing is a "prestige" game but the game is to show their kids aren't just rich but also smart. It's supposed to be a thing you can't "just" buy and in some ways you can't
What I mean is the kids of prominent senators or the kids of presidents don't turn up at Harvard or Stanford or Yale or whatever based on GPA alone
my bf always says that the point of Ivies is to mix up rich kids and smart kids so that the rich kids are assumed to be smart
To be fair it also lets the smart kids act rich.
That was not my experience.