Drew Broussard

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Drew Broussard


podcasts editor at Literary Hub
bookseller/events at The Golden Notebook in Woodstock NY
head full of pumpkins
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not to be a bitch but i really feel like being a bitch
We all thought the NYT missed some stuff (the perils of cautious consensus, amirite) so the Lit Hub gang got together and threw another 71 titles into the mix. I daresay this list is weirder and more interesting than the NYT list, but I'm biased. lithub.com/what-the-new...
What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Centurylithub.com Last week, The New York Times Book Review published a list of the “100 Best Books of the 21st Century.” (Well, so far, obviously. Why not just call it the best books of the last 25 year…
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gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Seems like a good day to remind myself (although I think all days probably are) that as long as I have breath, I will work to imagine and to create a better world for the people around me. I will die with that work unfinished, but so it goes for all of us. But in the meantime, I've got you.
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Stoked that it looks like there’s going to be a new China Miéville novel next year
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All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
I just wonder how all the people decrying politically-motivated violence today felt about college students getting beat up by cops during peaceful anti-genocide protests earlier this year.
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I think a lot about the fact that a lot of people don't have safe places in real life to say to someone else: "I'm really scared." So people use social media for that but don't preface the posts with: "I'm really scared." It usually comes out as "we're all doomed and gonna die" or as jokes.
This is really no time to insult people for being afraid.
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It's 1000% rational to be scared. That's the thing. A lot of that fear is grounded in the fact that as individuals we have so little control over world historical forces. That's fucking scary. To me, it's OK to vocalize that. I wish people have more relationships in real life with others to do that.
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we were now in that enchanted calm which they say lurks at the heart of every commotion
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showing my kid the LOTR films for the first time, and at this particular moment, I’m feeling some kind of way about Tolkien, a man who survived WWI and then wrote his books overlapping with WWII, premising the hero’s quest on defeating an old evil left to return again by the greed of those in power
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Yes, yes he would. We know this. I think that Dem surrogates do NOT have to get on TV etc... looking solemn and sad and mouthing bullshit. They can say, HE is the arsonist. Ask HIM what he plans to change?
if the situation were reversed trump would be out there tomorrow morning talking about weak joe biden who was too feeble to dodge a bullet
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"I’ll follow Renee Gladman anywhere... when I found out she was writing a romance novel (well, sort of), I decided I didn’t need to know a single thing more and immediately ordered it."
I don't know what's going on out there, but over here I'm getting stoned dancing to "This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)" on a loop and I'm having a *great* time
"Zadie Smith suggested [author] drop out of school to publish this novel" is neither the traffic-stopping pull quote the publicist thinks it is, nor is it good advice!
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being in my late thirties feels like I'm a third of the way into playing a really involved rpg and have only just got a sufficient handle on the game mechanics to realise all the ways I've been playing it wrong, only I can't restart or roll a new character and cross-classing late is punitive.
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I saw that they announced Shrek 5 today and that it's coming in July 2026, and it just seemed like the most bizarre thing to me. Like who can even imagine what July 2026 is going to be like and whether the people alive then will be in a place where they want to see Shrek again
Because the clock does keep moving, now is also a GREAT time to let me know about your book coming out in 2025 because I shall begin anticipating it accordingly.
HELL YEAHHHHH!! I'm so stoked for this!!
We are thrilled to help reveal the stunning cover for @erikaswyler.bsky.social's We Lived on the Horizon! Desires for utopia and ultimate knowledge come together in this story about a bio-prosthetic surgeon and her personal AI as they are drawn into a catastrophic war: reactormag.com/cover-reveal...
Revealing We Lived on the Horizon, a Novel by Erika Swyler - Reactorreactormag.com The human desire for utopia, the quest for ultimate knowledge, and what the future holds for humanity and machine alike.
Central Hudson inexplicably put a $200 credit on my account and while I'm not mad about it, I sure would like to understand why! Or to get any sort of clue that it happened beyond them cancelling this month's bill payment because I had a credit I didn't know about!
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If it's any consolation, organizer friends in AZ, NV, GA, already had these states as leaning R weeks ago. Nothing to do about the debate but about Biden and the campaign more broadly. I shared this #onhere a few weeks back and mentioned that they were doubling down on the upper Midwest.
Is that good
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i will die on this hill but magic school stories and dark academias are not the same thing.
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if you think personal flying isn’t a problem: it is one of the reasons it’s a problem is that, unlike most other sectors, the zero-carbon tech to fix it is not already starting to be deployed or even obvious
"Over the last 25 years, international air travel has increased significantly", mostly through "trips for leisure and visiting friends and family", despite its significant climate impact. Its emissions are omitted from national statistics in nearly all countries. phys.org/news/2024-07...
True scale of carbon impact from long-distance travel revealedphys.org The reality of the climate impact of long-distance passenger travel has been revealed in new research from the University of Leeds.
Had a long convo with my dad yesterday who was (rightly, correctly) enraged by Russia's bombing of a children's hospital in Ukraine but who had been largely unaware of Israel's similar acts in Gaza. Which is all to say: keep talking. Keep being a witness. You might be surprised who needs to hear it.
Three cheers for @chucktingle.bsky.social today, on the release of BURY YOUR GAYS—one of my favorite books of the year, a whip-smart anti-corporate-art thrill ride. It is an exceptionally timely read, by which I mean you should read it NOW. It'll fire you up and give you a damn good time.
today marks the release of BURY YOUR GAYS which is a story that is very personal to my way. it is about the importance of art and creation and fandom and love. GET IT WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLD. us.macmillan.com/books/978125... AND NOW id like to take a moment to talk on this book
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I feel that, over the course of his 50 years in politics, Biden has demonstrated a pattern of remaining friends with advocates for apartheid well after consensus has moved on. As I see it, Strom Thurmond and Netanyahu have more in common than less. Hope this helps.