rax king

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rax king


L-A-T-E-R that week
FIREWORKS: - boring - stinky - frightening for animals and babies BONFIRE - pleasant as shit - delicious campfire smell - the enterprising attendee can enjoy a weenies-and-s’mores feast fit for a king
I saw a Big Bonfire yesterday instead of fireworks and we should definitely start doing that instead
Reposted byAvatar rax king
like you never see people ENJOYING their fireworks, past the first couple rounds. they just stand there grim-faced setting off one after another like it’s this undesirable chore
i could get on board with the people who love to set off hours upon hours of fireworks despite the fact that it annoys the shit out of everyone not involved in setting them off…if it was actually fun to do. fireworks aren’t that fun! get your illegal-shit jollies doing something else!
yesterday was the funnest 4th i’ve ever had and it’s really not even that close
i like having a record player for all the usual cornball music nerd reasons but also because ‘one side of a record’ is a perfect timer. doing all the dishes takes about one side of a record, so does catching up on emails. it’s the ideal amount of time to work OR procrastinate!
Reposted byAvatar rax king
the circe/jamie match started in such a conventional manner, but wow; what a twist!
business idea: game of thrones professional wrestling. each wrestler’s persona is a character and every night different combinations of them beat the shit out of each other
business idea: game of thrones professional wrestling. each wrestler’s persona is a character and every night different combinations of them beat the shit out of each other
euron is such a blight on game of thrones, my god. uncle wild card is here! all hopped up on mountain dew and ready to rock!
no one ever talks about the people who have the hardest lives of all (beautiful busty 5’2” women)
every day at lunchtime
southern new hampshire university commercial: S.N.H.U. me at home: snuu
me: i guess that’s why they call it penile tuesday sean: me: i said i guess that’s why they call it— sean: i heard you
i hugely respect women who get massive bolt-on fake tits. serious surgery, long recovery time, the obligation to buy all new bras and tops…they just love tits that much 🥲
Reposted byAvatar rax king
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
this is an excellent feature
look no matter what happens in november or indeed for the foreseeable future you have to keep being alive and you have to figure out a way to live with yourself. so. what’s that look like? what are you going to do?
Reposted byAvatar rax king
For the boyfriend
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
i was mean mugging this guy on the train who was playing loud videos without headphones and he tried to hit on me…he thought my glaring and cursing under my breath was flirting…i know it’s no longer fashionable to be like ‘lol men are idiots’ but lol men are idiots
Reposted byAvatar rax king
This man's bloodline needs to end.
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
Reposted byAvatar rax king
This is evergreen advice
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
Reposted byAvatar rax king
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
dog: (sneezes) me, ludicrously: bless you!!
im always like damn. someone’s really gotta clean these makeup brushes
Reposted byAvatar rax king
season 3 of The Bear, or: Oops! All Faks!
Reposted byAvatar rax king
If we lived in a rational society someone saying to you "I will marry you but only if you lose 10 lbs" should be justifiable grounds for immediately beating the shit out of them
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
Reposted byAvatar rax king
:cw: weight / body image it's much easier and healthier to drop xxxlbs+ of useless partner than even an ounce of your own, fuuuuuck this so much omg
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds www.patreon.com/posts/103361...
my mom keeps trying to convince me to ‘save money’ for ‘retirement’ as if that’s something i’m ‘ever’ going to ‘get to do’
Reposted byAvatar rax king