Kevin Kretsch

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Kevin Kretsch

Musician, guitar tech and teacher, physics PhD. Long Covid disabled. Amplify voices that need to be heard. He/him. Irish and US citizen. Black Lives Still Matter!

Paris, Buffalo, Dublin.
#France The early results are presumably from the least populated electoral districts (circonscriptions) which might explain the huge lead the far-right right currently have, FAR ahead of what the exit polls suggest. I just hope as more populated districts come in, it swings back, because 😱
Ah, well, allow me! Compare to other osprey photos and you'll see the similar general distribution of dark and light across the wings too.
Today would’ve been the 80th birthday of guitar legend Jeff Beck. Beck was hugely important in my musical development, his album “Jeff Beck’s Guitar Shop“ I played 100s of times the years after it came out. But I’ll remain disappointed that he chose to work Johnny Depp. Heroes are humans and flawed.
It’s a real summer day in Paris, the first of this year. Clear but hazy skies, shitty air quality, expected high today of 28°C/83°F.
GPT-5 will be deeply knowledgeable in one small corner of one academic field, but generally ignorant in virtually all others? And of course it will still hallucinate enough utter bullshit to make it less reliable than Nigel Farage or Elon Musk. So, you know, YMMV.
That’s why you are one of the good people in the world. (I once had custom printed guitar picks like this…)
Yes, it’s the top of a not very pretty 30 story building against a blue sky and some clouds, but look closely and you’ll see a momma Peregrine falcon and her kiddo out for an afternoon mosey. 😎
Blueray? That'll never do in good old England. VHF 405-line TV broadcast only, in black and white.
Israeli military is fucking up food and aid distribution in Gaza and they have killed 189 UN aid workers.
My brothers near Dublin took these #Aurora photos last night, at times directly overhead! 😲😃 Here in Paris I couldn’t see anything. 😩
These racist and ignorant fuckwits have zero clue or right to opine about Ireland in any way, shape, or form. 🤬
Is it the same AI that thinks we should drink pee and that a quart = a liter?
Sunset from my apartment this evening
It is never anti-Semitic to condemn Israel for doing this and demand it stops immediately.
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
Self-defense can *never* include killing 34,000 innocent people, attacking refugee camps and aid workers, or massive destruction of civilian infrastructure. And it doesn't matter who is claiming self defense, that rule applies to everyone, EVEN to Israel. It's outrageous to claim otherwise.
We’re hoping this bunch of cloud mice along Lake Erie quickly but we’re still overcast here near Buffalo
No matter how you feel about Russia or Putin, nobody but nobody deserves the attack in Moscow last night. Paris has been through this too. We send our love and condolences.
Aujourd’hui? Plutôt une vielle sacoche avec des yeux.
Guitar teacher tip of the day 🎸 The progress and fun are more important than the goal. Otherwise you are miserable all the way to the goal, which really hinders getting to the goal. Try to have fun all the way instead and give yourself a high five for any progress, no to matter how small.
This was today’s job, a 2004 Fender Japan Jaguar Special. The fretboard was in rough shape, needed strings and a clean and thorough setup. The Bigsby copy vibrato unit is not original and I was worried it would cause issues with string angles at the bridge but it worked out just great.
Do you know the Internet exists and we can find information pretty quickly? 0.14% of households.
“CPAC. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. No wait, did I say wretched? I meant ridiculous. Ridiculous fuckwits.”
And here’s a screenshot of the video for “My Brave Face” the hit single from the “Flowers…” album, released in 1989, where he is seen playing the bass, including this excellent close up.
Here it is. The interview with Paul is by Tom Mulhern, July 1990 Guitar Player magazine. Notice he talks about Elvis Costello’s album “Spike” and his own “Flowers in the Dirt”, both recorded 1987-1988.
A Sunday morning family portrait of guitars.