
If they wanted to really get attention, they’d wreck some rich people shit, not public stuff. But they’d actually get real punishment for that, and that’s not what they want.
If you're trying to win people over to your cause by vandalizing a library, or Stonehenge, or an oil painting, you are not remotely helping your cause. "It raises awareness!" Yes, awareness that you're a fucking idiot. Nothing good.
Like: “why are you wrecking public art and historical artifacts? I’m not the one pumping tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.”
I've driven past the Exxon-Mobil HQ in Houston on several occasions and have never once seen a single protestor. That seems like the most obvious place to protest, to me. Hell, get some wealthy activists to buy a billboard, a building nearby.
private golf courses are good targets for multiple reasons including water use (it's really large and only a few use reclaimed water) and being associated with rich people and/or not paying nearly enough in taxes
Sink yachts. Justify it as a copycat protest inspired by the Mediterranean pod of orcas.
On the other hand, if they wanted to create a space for discrediting a movement, painting Stonehenge and being stupid around artwork is almost as good as Greenpeace and the Nazca lines.
I was surprised by how the student protests were often asking for amnesty from punishment. How much do you stand by these principles if you won't accept consequences?
The language of 'wrecking'and 'vandalism' is interesting. I dont know about the library; but no damage was done to Stonehenge or to the Van Gogh painting, both actions carried out by Just Stop Oil, so why are we talking about wrecking and vandalism?
Plus, people get jailed in Germany not just for actually gluing themselves to streets but to *prevent* them gluing themselves to streets. (It was illegal to carry glue on public transport before planned protests for some time here.🤪) I would call that actual punishment.
Sink some yachts in Monaco or Nantucket already.
Shut down the sun valley airport (not sure how) when Allen and co host their media conference or Davos. Thats how you get positive attention
That sort of thing can get you hit with terrorism enhancements. I'd be careful about that
First - I ain’t doing shit Second - protest at an airport with billionaires and PJs would be a lot more effective
Protest at the airport, sure. "Shutting down" an airport is the sort of thing that brings quasi military response units with submachine guns.
if they really wanted to help they would work on creating and promoting solutions, not just complaining.