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Nac Mac Feegle!
The Wee Free Men!
Nae king! Nae quin!
Nae laird! Nae master!
We willna' be fooled again!
PDX, OR he/him/his
My history professor would go on tirades about how endnotes were anti intellectual and usage of them means the author is trying to hide things.
Starting a major scholarly book I've been looking forward to, open it up and discover that it has endnotes. OVER ONE HUNDRED PAGES OF ENDNOTES. A massive and careful scholarly apparatus that the press has done its best to make useless and unreadable.
Holy shit in a bad way. Naomi Pomeroy drowned over the weekend. Eating at Beast was one of my all time favorite meals. Not to victim blame, but please! EVERYONE!!! WEAR YOUR FUCKING PFD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DROWN.
if you know you're going to run a demo in an all staff meeting, please have it ready to go.
Has anyone asked John Hinkley for comment? He's out of prison and everything.
My problem with political violence is that its hard to stop at just one and the side with a complete lack of morals and ethics will solve every problem through those means.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
On one hand, I’m all about opposing the surveillance state; but on the other hand, I really wish the toddler hadn’t stolen and hidden the baby monitor. @teaberryblue.bsky.social
Long, long ago, the GM of the brewpub I was the office manager for advised me to buy glasses by the case because they're gonna get broke and its just so much less stressful to just pull a new glass out and not be low on glasses. Anyways, i just got a new case of Libbery water glasses.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
Feels super unfair that Ea Nasir gets all the name recognition for the tablet when Nanni did all the work
I finally got around to finish watching the fallout tv show, and yeah, that's the best videogame adaptation of all time. perfect 11/10 no notes.
Goddamnit, my best boy Takerufuji is kyujo from day 1 in the July Basho. I guess Onosato can get his second Emporer's Cup.
I don't know how to get this video embedded, so you'll just have to follow the link; but if you played Disco Elysium, you gotta watch this. Captures the pastiche so well. www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysi...
Reddit - Dive into anythingwww.reddit.com The official Reddit community for Disco Elysium.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
You laugh -- as anyone would and should, including me -- but I suspect there's a deep schism in the clown community about practice & theory, especially after the death of Professor Bonksalot in that car crash. 85 clowns + one drug dealer died in his car that day.
I must be a conservative old fogey, but I tried playing one of those anime gacha games and I had to quit so early on. The character models were just plain distasteful, I guess I've entirely missed the rise to prominence of lolicon. I guess I prefer character models based off of real proportions.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
Most people should just be drinking more water regardless of any other circumstances.
Reminder that AC can cause dehydration. I know that there is a heat wave hitting and it’s super easy to think “I’ve got AC so I’m good” and not realize that you’re getting dehydrated. Keep water close to hand and take a drink regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
my niece is totally into those genshin honkai games, so I installed this Zenless game in order to have something to talk with her about.
have any news outlets been able to corroborate any aspects of that Neil Gaiman assault story? I was looking around and everything is still only sourced to a singular podcast.
How do you say 'piquant'? I thought it was pronounced nearly like pecan, but the dictionary says its pee-quaant.
Anyone got recommendations for a resume writing service? Or suggestions on companies to avoid?
My 13-year-old niece has been staying with us for a few weeks, and honestly, I feel like a rockstar if I can get two warm meals in her, get her to take a shower and make her bed each day. If I can get that taken care of, the rest will just slot into place.
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
My father is dead. And before he died I hadn't talked to him in like 15 years. Happy Father's day to everyone with a shitty dad who doesn't matter in your lives at all.
My father is dead. And before he died I hadn't talked to him in like 15 years. Happy Father's day to everyone with a shitty dad who doesn't matter in your lives at all.
I broke out the kitchen scales because I was curious. My lazy-day lunch of two PB&Js is nearly a 1,000 calories. 280 from bread, 100 from jam, and nearly 600 from peanut butter.
I sense a new fighter entering the arena.
Corn dogs are just slightly mutated tamales
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
In case you missed or have somehow forgotten the majesty of “What’s In Prince’s Fridge?”, here it is in all of its glory. heavytable.com/whats-in-pri...
What’s in Prince’s Fridge? – Heavy Tableheavytable.com
Just a reminder that IBD is not the same as IBS.
THIS IS HUGE! A major trigger in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and related conditions has been identified, and existing drugs CAN stamp it out, in what scientists call a "massive step" in successfully treating these debilitating chronic conditions. Let’s talk about that! 🧪🧵⬇️
Reposted byAvatar drunkenGeeBee
This made me a little teary eyed.
I can't get over how nice the view is from my new office.