
So, you're against investigations, then. Got it. Also, seem to have trouble with new concepts. Al Franken was a great Senator who stood up to the right wing and fought back effectively and eloquently. It's why GOP were so happy to help Democrats take him out.
Raw Video: Franken Spars With Sessions In Tense Sen. Hearing YouTube video by WCCO - CBS Minnesota
I wish I had a champion for myself like Andy O is for Democrats. I wish they cared about me.
Thank you. (?) Democrats cover a broad spectrum and we're getting much betters ones. Here in Wisconsin I am represented by both Tammy Baldwin and Mark Pocan, and working for their re-election. Oh, and Al Franken was is a champion for marriage equality and freedom!
Senator Al Franken for Americans for Marriage YouTube video by Human Rights Campaign
Have you noticed you don't deal with the substance of the public issues and, instead, engage in vacuous personal attacks? And LOTS of them.
It’s not an ad hominem if I call you a fuckface because I don’t think because you are a fuckface your argument is wrong, I think you are a fuckface because you argument is wrong
But way to be the one millionth man on the internet to explain logical fallacies to me incorrectly I think you get a balloon.
Calling me names it not ad hominem. All righty then.... Unfollowing you was a real good call.
Ad hominem is “this guy works at Foot Locker, his opinion is worthless” Ad hominem is not, “this guy is an asshole” Hope that helps.
JFC. Ignoring the substance and responding with an insult is precisely ad hominem. Look it up. You guys think you can just fabricate new definitions and that somehow is persuasive. No, it just makes you look, well, where to begin...
Your arguments are all arguing from anger and are clearly unhinged emotional outbursts. Why do yo persist in acting like you're some sort of paragon of logical debate when you're the equivalent of someone furiously rubbing one out in an alleyway?
You're flat out lying.
1) This time, this new system for driving out Democrats resulted in a good Dem being appointed. Next time, maybe not. 2) We should not so eagerly overturn the will of the voters or risk being hypocrites on democracy. 3) I don't understand why you all oppose investigations in favor of accusations.
What am I lying about? I honestly believe everything I said. You are an emotional wreck who tries (and regularly fails) to bludgeon other people with fallacy fallacies rather than understanding why your behaviors and actions paint you as a total loon. I expect an apology for this ad hominem attack.
"emotional outbursts" and now this. I've been sticking to the issues. Bite me.
Agreed, it's a long read! Jane Mayer is thorough! She's a highly-respected investigative reporter. But some of the accusations are thin. "in 2006, when Franken was still a comedian, he had made her uneasy by looking as if he planned to kiss her" was one anonymous accusation. WTF.
Yes, you just had another emotional outburst rather than addressing the substance of my argument. Why aren't you able to participate in a simple logical debate? Why do you resort to these appeals to emotion rather? Please try and act like a rational adult.
every time he gets cornered on a point of substance he has a minor meltdown
Why are you so emotionally attached to a bunch of events that are not longer relevant? Why are you trying so desperately to die on a hill that no one has cared about in five years? What kind of brain worms are you struggling against?