David Leisure

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David Leisure


Veteran Social Media enjoyer

@̷̡̢̨̹͉̠͕͎̩̉͋drw (Twitter)
@̷̡̢̨̹͉̠͕͎̩̉͋beigeinside (Insta)
It’s probably gonna backfire but I love that less than a year in my new neighborhood I can’t walk into my local without exchanging pleasantries with 3+ people
Penance for my discourse participation
I for one am 1000% on board for Galt’s Gulch Goes To Mars, it will work just as well as the one all our industry elites built here on earth
LOL-in-horror moments of new @nytimes.com puff piece on Elon Musk: Reporter dutifully reciting Musk's BS about buying Twitter to "test how a citizen-led government that rules by consensus might work on Mars," and not realizing "selective breeding" is Nazi eugenics. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/11/t...
Thermonuclear Blasts and New Species: Inside Elon Musk’s Plan to Colonize Marswww.nytimes.com SpaceX employees are working on plans for a Martian city, including dome habitats, spacesuits and researching whether humans can procreate off Earth. Mr. Musk has volunteered his sperm.
Having trouble working today because I keep thinking about the gazpacho my wife made last night
The Boy With The Arab Strap is a pharmaceutical grade mood enhancer
Winter dreaming on such a summer’s day
Looking at pictures of water makes the air feel cooler
When I hit a cynicism wall I remind myself just how fucking hard it is to make a movie, take a deep breath, and soak in the ✨magic of cinema✨
absolutely devastating post
Ruined my day imagining Bob Ross painting dirty pictures but describing the process exactly the same as his landscapes
The definition of insanity is following the same accounts here that did the kind of dunk qrts on Twitter which fed that site’s toxicity
First CSA pickup TONIGHT and I am STOKED because I’m MIDDLE AGED and SETTLING DOWN
By simply being alive for about 25 years one can come to this conclusion observing popular media and listening to older folks talk; I’m in awe that self-styled thought leaders can be so shockingly myopic that it goes right over their heads.
Great Washington Post nostalgia study. Adults think U.S. society was historically nicest and comfiest—most moral and close-knit, families happiest—whenever they happened to be little kids, and culture (music, movies, TV, fashion, sports, food) best whenever they were adolescents. wapo.st/3WXd9xS
Good news: The issue with the SQL query I wrote was due to upstream data management changes Bad news: Why the fuck did you write the query like that in the first place David
Forgot Manhattan exists, but sure enough it’s still there
Happy 20 year anniversary of living in Brooklyn to me. To prove I’m one of the people who ruined the place by moving in, here’s a photo of a tattoo I got ten years ago to celebrate it
Learning python so far has been mostly feeling like I’m 5 minutes away from a solution for two hours
My incredibly tech-averse folks for whom I still book flights due to their fear of online commerce were telling me it’s not worth learning more coding languages because AI was going to take over coding, we’re doomed
79° let’s make some short ribs cause we lack foresight and thawed them already
Nice pattern you got there. Be a shame if someone recognized it.
Starting a cholesterol positivity movement as slow seppuku
I like having running water, but I also don’t appreciate jackhammering outside my bedroom window at 3 AM to access the water main so I’m torn
Reposted byAvatar David Leisure
We asked 1000 people who have landline home phones and answer unknown callers in 2024, “are you normal?”
Starting to see the inheritable parent classes which the simulation is using to efficiently replicate concepts and events
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background thedmonline.com/may-2nd-pro-...
Having a banner day at the bird feeder. The sparrows, morning doves, and grackles are back (naturally); but they’ve been joined by Ronny the cardinal, a blue jay, and a rose-breasted grosbeak.
Loving the surprise NYC sun showers but only because I’m indoors and working from home
Looks like I have some neighbors who don’t know how to break down boxes???
The cardinal couple that occasionally shows up behind our building finally stopped at our bird feeder, huge win for us
I like to joke about how my last apartment took years off my life because it was surrounded by highways and industry, but it’s startling how much cleaner the air feels one short mile away in Red Hook.