
absolutely devastating post
(Patrick h willems is good and doesn't really fit in this list)
you're all mean, I bet you talk about me like this behind my back
I haven't seen you pretend to not understand simple arguments and be a condescending dick about it. I'm sure you are have been wrong or said dumb stuff but I can't think of anything comperable to the Plotholes Don't Matter video
Maybe because he was right about Plot Holes, since plot holes aren't mistakes, they're narrative shortcuts that are necessary because movies can't be too long because they're made under economic constraints
A) A lot of plotholes just aren't intentional B) it would not mean they don't matter, it just gives a reason why they occur. C) a lot of plotholes could be fixed with no extra time D) What kind of bs argument is "they didn't have the time and money, so it doesn't matter"?
A) they are (Read Hitchcock/Truffaut for more information) B) precisely C) narrative efficiency is more important (it’s the reason why Disney remakes are bad because they try to fill them) D) Cinema is an industry and as a result movies are made under economic constraints
Patrick is like the lettuce on op's all-beef burger of a diet - statistical outlier that should not be counted
Someone needs to explain to people that "willing suspension of disbelief" contains will for a reason. If you can't suspend disbelief, that's a weak will.
It's always sad to see the "I just want to shut off my brain and Consume Media" crowd air some genuine grievances with the "critic mindset" and then lump in quality media analysis with Cinema Sins-style bad faith nitpicking.
Patrick H Willems also literally made a video about how things like plot holes don't matter. Legitimately weird to see his name pop up in the same context of cinema sins
Imagining a guy who places CinemaSins and Willems on the same analysis plane and then imagining him feeding himself, this is harder than I thought
I was gonna say, Patrick has a habit of making you think about when things are GOOD in a movie???
I don't like him, he can be a condescending prick and has said some stupid stuff (e.g. his entire argument about plotholes not mattering) but he's definitely above the rest in that list.
i dont like him either, but yeah there’s definitely worse video essayists out there.
Hadn't heard of Filmento but the thumbnails tell a story. And yes Willems is a far cry from the pedantry and grievance mongering of the rest.
yeah tbh maybe they are fine too I don't really know the channel
Filmento is okay. He has some very good videos about storytelling techniques and such that explain such concepts in a clear manner.
Maybe, the thumbnails scream engagement bait but sometimes that's just playing the algo game.
one of my last videos had a wojak thumbnail, I cannot cast stones
Willems is great and the people complaining about his plot holes video are weaklings, he was correct and you should stop.
even if u don’t agree with that one video he has like. 100s of vids. just bc you didn’t like one of them doesn’t mean he’s bad lol
I'd also argue Honest Trailers exists in a gray middle ground. Their mission statement is purportedly to make "honest" trailers about movies (and shows), so if they think a movie is great the trailer they make celebrates the movie's strengths.
Honest trailers is also fun!! They’ve evolved from “snark” to “roasting.” Poor person here just needs to axe CinemaSins out and they’ll start healing.
Was pleasantly surprised by his inclusion, at least there's SOME informed critique in this person's media diet
Maybe because he actually loves movies and has a better understanding of cinematic history and aesthetics (unlike many people on youtube)
His video about drinking Coppola wine while watching Coppola movies is one of the most relatable YouTube videos I've ever watched
I went to film school in addition to consuming media criticism like a dehydrated man in the desert drinks water, and one of my favorite movies is Crank 2 cause funny guy action go fast. Seems like a skill issue to be.
It's my own form of snobbery to be sure but I always go "Hmmm" when an (even otherwise good) critic cant set it aside long enough to go "that part of the Fast and the Furious movie where the rock took a nuclear sub's unexploded missile and directed it at a bunch of other cars was cool"
The difference between film school and these is film school is inundation of media literacy and learning how sausage gets made in a room full of people who want to make sausage, not make YouTube videos saying “you won’t BELIEVE how they make sausage!”
I would venture to say, at the risk of condescension, that you appreciate crank 2 even deeper than had you not been schooled in film. I had a neighbor quasi sommelier wine pervert who loved a Miller lite every now and then.
Though it wasn’t “film school”, my education was DEEP into filmmaking, the culture of it, all of that… And I’m also one of the biggest lovers of the worst films ever made because they are SOMEONE’S ART And I never resist a good chance to drop this trailer with a nudge because it’s WONDERFUL
Grunt: The Wrestling Movie A documentary crew sets out to unravel one of professional wrestling's most closely guarded secrets: is former champion "Mad Dog" Joe DeCurso - rumored to ha...
Bought it twice on VHS and both times gave the tape to someone that NEEDED to see it. It’s on TUBI. 😉 (The documentarian, Lesley Uggums, is played by the same guy that was Randee of The Redwoods on late 80s MTV)
Also it seems more that Cinema Sins obscured the inevitable process of getting older and watching enough that mediocre & formualic ones aren't enaging. Nothing took that but time, familarity and the unavoidable development of taste.
Watching a decade(!) of YouTube videos all based on the premise that every movie is viewed primarily through its problems (real or imaginary) and then wondering how that's affected your ability engage with film
Im also fine with Patrick to be clear
Critical Drinker is some edge lord dogshit.
I paid a guy to punch me in the balls until I fainted twice a day for ten years and now every time someone pretends to swing their fist at my balls I pass out or blubber like a baby. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong
"stopped being able to enjoy movies because i spent to long listening to people who hate movies" would have been shorter to write
And the answer is probably similarly short, to stop ingesting that kind of stuff all the time and maybe try to return to basics and learn to find things they enjoy again.
so with a roster like that I assume he just screams "DING WOKE DING!!!!!!!" whenever a woman is on screen and nobody lets him watch shit with them
I don't know about the rest, but the problem is just cinemasins. No entertainment, bad critiques, quantity over quality which was always nonexistent; just do yourself a favour and stop watching cinemasins. For me, when reviews show a POV I haven't considered, it often enhances my experience.
Death by irony poison Tragic
amazing 🙏🏽 they should make a vid analyzing this cinematically