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Musician, artist, toy designer
He/Him, 35, UK
Got the last boss down to 1/3 their health left! It's a fun fight, and you really need to think strategy in it
what’s the best episode of TV you’ve ever watched?
what’s the best episode of TV you’ve ever watched?
Lol Miquela is just flat out Griffith.
I can get the damn consort down to half health, but his second stage is just a bastard.
Just written a powerchord section where the timing is just a little too specific so I'm going to have to record both strings separately and then combine in audacity 😅
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Keep talking about how Donald Trump is credibly accused of sexually assaulting twelve year old children, with assistance from Epstein.
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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Ok let's go. Pills that make you green.
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don't ask a woman her age a man his salary or someone super enthusiastic about getting the tories out who they voted for in 2019
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if you believe trans rights are human rights and you still vote for labour then what you're saying is you think the economy or whatever else it is about labour you like is more important than human rights
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Hi friends. Bluesky isn’t just a social media site. It’s a community. A community that lifts up voices and helps those in need. Today, I could use your help. I hate doing this, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to raise $25,000 to purchase the rotting Baby Sinclair puppet.
For some people, politics is nothing but a sport that they want their team to win. For everyone else, elections determine what rights folk lose, what freedoms get taken away, which dictator/genocidal maniac gets military support, whether we can afford to eat etc etc etc.
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What you're looking at is 1.4 billion pounds worth of danger that every single one of us, especially health care workers, were put in because of the current government. None of us needed to be there. None of it needed to happen. The only reason was greed. The election's soon. Act accordingly.
Given how RTD is writing stories to bait the internet fandom, the chance that he's read the criticisms of 15 always crying, and come up with an onion monster that can only be defeated by peeping it is fairly high
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With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
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This makes me want to fucking puke — had a conversation about this yesterday and was met with “AI is here to stay, it’s not going anywhere”. As long as that’s the attitude! 🤬 So frustrating that this is a focus, setting back carbon negative goals, while heat waves are putting people in danger.
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Spoiler free Who review: It was mostly very good, but the RTD tropes kept trying to hold it back. Doc and villain needed more screen time together. 2nd fave season finale of NuWho.
Future sutekh level godlike entities that could return in Who? Fenric - primordial force of evil Mara - manipulating snake god who likes destruction Axos - lovecraftian consumer of worlds Black guardian - evil Shakespearian thesp Gods of Ragnarok - bored gods who want entertaining Adric - Adric
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Reposting my most popular piece of art because why not Everyone loves penguins and puns... Punguins
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OH MY GOD. “In fact, hair relaxers marketed to children in the United States have been found to contain the highest levels of five of the chemicals prohibited in the European Union.”
“A study that followed a cohort of nearly 34,000 women, found that those who frequently used chemical hair-straightening products, a majority of whom were Black women, were two and a half times as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not use the products.”
The Disturbing Truth About Hair They’ve been linked to reproductive disorders and cancers. Why are they still being marketed so aggressively to Black women?
Newest Who is really good, and leaves so many open plot threads just teasingly dangling there like keys Infront of a cat
Make a band milder: Jesus Priest
Make a band milder: Amïablë Crüe
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Business practices like these being commonplace throughout the economy is bad and people are right to be pessimistic about it.
I can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps. I play games where supposedly it's important, but I don't notice any difference.
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(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
Soulslike games are not a trend. It's been 15 years, it's an established genre. Saying games are following a soulslike trend is like saying Contra 4 is following the platformer trend, rather than it just being a platformer game.
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