Dylan Lawhorn

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Dylan Lawhorn


Accountant. Musician. Father of four. Potentially boring.

Just some guy with opinions.
I don’t know how some of y’all have thousands of followers and say something clever multiple times a day. I’m over here struggling to be smart once a day.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend so far, and you’re mentally prepared to lose an hour of sleep. #goodvibes #sleep
120 hours of work in nine days. I’m too tired to think of anything clever, so here’s a picture of Pippin when he was a puppy. #puppies #dogs #pets
Reposted byAvatar Dylan Lawhorn
You know that $3 opt-in on your tax return for the Presidential Election Campaign Fund? Jill Stein is the only candidate getting any money from that in 2024. In theory, she's only allowed to use it for the "primary," which is why the Green convention is pushed as late in the year as they can.
After watching the State of the Union, hearing the dark and somber warnings between the list of recent accomplishments, and seeing the response from the Republicans, I believe this message from the Neutrals has never been more relevant or more dangerously true. Laugh first; cry later. #politics
Fuck them kids. - Republicans 2024
This is what happens when anti-science GOP donut fucks get elected by a state filled with republicans that have the collective IQ of three carrots. In other news, semi-sentient globule made of two parts human shit; one part seaweed, Marsha Blackburn, is topping the polls. Fuck yeah TN. #politics
Tennessee vaccine law pits parental rights against public healthwww.nbcnews.com A law governing childhood vaccinations is among more than a dozen recently passed or pending nationwide that set parental freedom against community and children’s health.
Nothing beats waking up at 10am yesterday morning and later finding about six of these pictures on my phone.
Let me see a show of hands from anyone surprised that this SCOTUS, of whom one Justice’s wife played a part in the insurrection, announced today’s opinion? You know, the same SCOTUS with three stolen seats? With some of the same Bush v. Gore justices? No? No one? Huh. #politics #scotus
Reposted byAvatar Dylan Lawhorn
American soft power still getting it done
Reposting this with a different source. Here’s the SCOTUS opinion: www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p... Admittedly, if anyone saw my last post, it was hasty. That said, Trump has received the off-ramp he wanted and SCOTUS denied states the right to invoke the 14th amendment. Vote. #politics
Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off the ballotwww.nbcnews.com The decision swiftly ended the legal fight over whether states could bar Trump from their ballots based on the Constitution's 14th Amendment.
I’ve gotten a lot of followers lately for some reason. Y’all ‘bout to be more disappointed in me than my dad was when my sister was with him watching football and I was watching the Powerpuff Girls in the other room.
Are you fucking kidding me? As a bonus, there’s a link at the bottom of this article that talks about Kentucky’s attempts to relax child labor laws. Again, are you fucking kidding me? I *personally* know people that want this to happen in TN. As always, the cruelty is the point. #politics
Kentucky bill stripping workers of meal, rest breaks moves forwardfox56news.com A bill that seeks to strip Kentucky workers of their right to meal and rest breaks is moving forward in Frankfort.
Does anyone else remember their very first post on MySpace or Facebook? I don’t remember mine on MySpace, but my first Facebook post at 14 was Dylan Lawhorn …is sexy I’m still reaching for that level of insightfulness. Adulthood has ruined me. #myspace #facebook #teens #nostalgia #toomanyhashtags
I have a daughter named Abby, and she specializes in what I’ve started calling Abbyisms (better name pending). Wife: “I did something today that I never thought I would do. I got a Dick’s Sporting Goods membership.” Abby: “MOMMY LIKES DICK’S!” #kids
“…the first priority of the country is our border,” says the man who recently tanked a bipartisan border deal. I feel like most people reading this are familiar with recent events, but it saddens me how many people in my personal life don’t know what is going on in congress right now.
Mike Johnson cornered at "intense" White House meetingwww.axios.com "The meeting on Ukraine was one of the most intense I've ever encountered," said Sen. Schumer.
What a beautiful day to be stuck inside staring at spreadsheets for 10-12 hours. #accounting
Due to a lack of interesting things to say today, I leave you all with words of wisdom from my daughter when she was 6 years old. I hope it gives you all something to think about tonight. Daughter: “Ding dong! Texas is a real place! Look it up!”
Reposted byAvatar Dylan Lawhorn
This month we've seen... -Frozen embryos designated as children -Calls for "the end of democracy" at CPAC -The horrific killing of Nex Benedict after OK officials fear mongered against trans & nonbinary kids The rise of Christian Nationalism threatens all our rights and lives.
Does anyone else use Bluesky/social media to get over extreme awkwardness? I can follow a conversation, but it’s extremely difficult to lead one. It’s just so much easier talking to strangers here because literally no one I know in person is using Bluesky yet. I’m hoping to work on the awkwardness.
“We humans do not understand compassion. In each moment of our lives, we betray it. We know of its worth, yet in knowing we attach it to a value, we guard the giving of it, believing it must be earned. Compassion is priceless in the truest sense of the word. It must be given freely. In abundance.”
My 8 year old: “I know what sex means.” Me: … My 8 year old: “More than one second!” Me: … My 8 year old: “I want secs!”
I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful Saturday and an even better Sunday. Even if you’re feeling down and there has been some negativity in your life lately for any reason, just know that you matter and you are important to someone, even if it’s just a stranger like me.
What happened to the America that protested Wall Street over 10 years ago? What happened to the America that protested across the country just a few years ago? Collectively, there has been no response to this aside from hemming and hawing. If someone tells you who they are, believe them.
MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPACnewrepublic.com Republicans at CPAC 2024 are openly vowing to take down democracy.
Reposted byAvatar Dylan Lawhorn
Ever get sad that someone you know doesn’t follow you back online and then realize “oh it’s probably because I’m really fucking annoying on here”?
On a different note, people are still liking my very first post and following me because of it, and it’s giving me a complex. To those of you who throw me a bone every other time, I love you.
So…have we all just accepted that all this shit is just “normal” now? You all know what I’m talking about. We complain about it, sure, but things are still getting more expensive, crazier people are getting elected, and we’re all collectively shrugging. Shit’s fucked, yo.
Me every time someone likes one of my posts or comments