earlymodjustice.bsky.social follows

Kate Carpenter
Kate Carpenter
Historian/writer. Creator, @draftingthepast.bsky.social podcast. History of science PhD candidate at Princeton. Working on a history of storm chasing.
Rebecca Spang
Rebecca Spang
Professor of History and Interim Dean of the Hutton Honors College, IU Bloomington. Writes about money, French Revolution, restaurants. Friend to vert paleo.
Erin Bartram
Erin Bartram
Historian of religion & gender in the 19th c US, drinker of tea in the 21st c US. Museum educator. Founder & editor at www.contingentmagazine.org. Former academic. She/her.
Bill Chapman
Bill Chapman
Retired secondary social studies teacher, still working to help others learn to distinguish fact from fiction and truth from fantasy. See my website http://www.classroomtools.com Born when CO2 was 310 ppm.
David Silkenat
David Silkenat
Joanna McCunn
Joanna McCunn
Legal historian, cake fan (she/her)
Nick Harper, he/him
Nick Harper, he/him
Nonprofit political law & policy attorney. Proceduralist & anxious, jealous guardian of democracy. Tweets are mine, not my employer's. Minneapolis. Idealist w/ weltschmerz. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nharpermn/
Joanna L. Pearce, PhD.
Joanna L. Pearce, PhD.
Disability-based historian. I defended my dissertation and now I'm not sure what to do with myself. I guess publish it. Ask me about my dogs.
Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
Historian of religion + race in North America + the Atlantic World. Editor, Journal of Mormon History.
Jeffrey McClurken
Jeffrey McClurken
Chief of Staff, VP of Strategy & Prof of History/AMST @UMW. Digital History Reviews Ed for JAH (Former Dept Chair & Spec Asst to the Provost).
Cory James Young
Cory James Young
assistant professor of history at UIowa | northern slavery, legal history, Black America | i ♥️ WNY
Dr. Jim Downs
Dr. Jim Downs
Author of Author of Maladies of Empire & Sick from Freedom; Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation; Gilder Lehrman NEH Prof at Gettysburg College; Editor of Civil War History; Partenr at History Studio.
Joanna Grossman
Joanna Grossman
Law professor. Three-boy mom. Aging, decrepit ultrarunner. Social justice warrior. Dream is to own a fluffy cow.
Ignacio Gallup-Diaz
Ignacio Gallup-Diaz
College teacher, Atlantic World historian, Poirot + Morse aficionado
Dawn Durante
Dawn Durante
Editorial Director • University of North Carolina Press • history • Black studies • girlhood studies • carceral studies • H-Net's #FeedingTheElephant
Eric Brandom
Eric Brandom
Intellectual history, here decontextualized. Especially modern France, history of political thought, and socialism. And Kansas, because that's where I live.
Joseph M. Adelman
Joseph M. Adelman
Historian of politics, business, media in early America. Author of Revolutionary Networks. He/him. See https://josephadelman.com for more.
Sara McDougall
Sara McDougall
Medieval gender, crime, & history prof. at John Jay College & CUNY Graduate Center, 2023-4 John and Constance Birkelund Fellow, Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library
Board Member Libraries Without Borders
Pat Sobkowski
Pat Sobkowski
Prof., Marquette University Department of Political Science. American Political Development, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law. #polisky

📍Milwaukee, WI

Kevin M. Levin
Kevin M. Levin
Civil War historian, educator, and public speaker. Author: _Searching For Black Confederates_ https://amzn.to/4c2KSuT. Biography of Robert Gould Shaw forthcoming with UNC Press.

Join my Civil War Memory newsletter: https://kevinmlevin.substack.com
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
Attorney, abogado, avocat in California at TRE Legal Practice (disability discrimination/civil rights). This is not legal advice; I am not your attorney.

Was PhD candidate in history & STS, web dev & sysadmin.
Since 2010, Secular AZ has protected the constitutional separation of church and state and educated lawmakers and the public to ensure freedom of conscience for Arizonans of all faiths and of none. https://secularaz.org
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today: https://www.lawdork.com/
Mandi Barnard, Ph.D.
Mandi Barnard, Ph.D.
Cat Mom, Historian of Modern Britain working in Modern US History. Studied English state funded primary education, crime, and poverty. Work on recovering the histories of enslaved and freed Black workers on a southern college campus. Views Mine. She/Her
Noah Shusterman
Noah Shusterman
Rootless cosmopolitan.
"The mentioning of something good does not require the automatic assertion of a bad thing." - Rebecca Solnit
Law, politics, history, and German Absolute Idealism.
Dr. Holly Gruntner
Dr. Holly Gruntner
Landscape Historian at George Washington's Mount Vernon. Recent PhD frm William & Mary. Early America, knowledge-making, & gardens 🌱 public & digital history. She/her. Views my own.
Melissa Johnson, PhD
Melissa Johnson, PhD
Historian. Associate Professor. Community College enthusiast. Researching 17th-c gossip. Weighs more than a duck. Employed by George and Gracie. She/her.
Ola Teige
Ola Teige
Norwegian historian
Jeffrey Ahlman
Jeffrey Ahlman
Professor of History and African Studies at Smith College. Writes on Ghana, African decolonization, and African transnationalism.
I teach U.S. history at Sonoma State University.
Mark Simpson-Vos
Mark Simpson-Vos
Into ideas doing work in the world
Professional humanist and book editing person


Religion | History | Indigeneity | Music | Sport
MN born NC by choice
Always #GDTBATH | #Durham #BullCity
Dr. Lindsay Stallones Marshall (she/her)
Dr. Lindsay Stallones Marshall (she/her)
Assistant Professor of History at Illinois State University.
Kevin Gannon
Kevin Gannon
Educational developer, historian, abolitionist, purveyor of fine doggo content | Higher ed, critical pedagogy, technology and teaching, 18th-19th century history | Wrote: https://wvupressonline.com/node/823 | Fueled by coffee and spite.
Librarian, cataloger, information literacy instructor, student of history, cinephile, tabletop gamer. he/him
Edward W Baptist
Retired biochemistry PhD in Durham NC.
Anna Pravdica 🦦
Anna Pravdica 🦦
AHRC-Midlands4Cities funded History PhD at the University of Warwick, researching sincerity, deceit, and social identity in seventeenth- & eighteenth-century Britain 🎭 https://linktr.ee/annapravdica
Lindsay Keiter
Lindsay Keiter
Historian of marriage & family in early(ish) British America. Trying to manage as neurodivergent assist. prof. w/ 2 littles. Lapsed knitter.
Doctor Watson Michael
Doctor Watson Michael
SAM’S Contract | Silicone with Valcro effect Plastic Surgeon 🧑‍⚕️ | Forensic Expert Medical 🏥 |
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Book your appointment here👇
On the Media
On the Media
A weekly radio show on all things media produced and distributed by WNYC Studios — onthemedia.org
Bits and Bobs
Bits and Bobs
Lifelong lover of history. Writer. ... RTs aren't endorsements.
Caitlin G. DeAngelis
Caitlin G. DeAngelis
historian; spouse to @fionawhim; she/they 🏳️‍🌈

THE CARETAKERS (War Graves gardeners in the French Resistance): http://tinyurl.com/yksh3ksa

antiquarian books: https://www.instagram.com/snapdragons.lair.books/
Taylor Garrison
Taylor Garrison
PhD student @ W&M studying courtship and marriage in early America | she/they 🏳️‍🌈
Emma Kalb
Emma Kalb
Postdoc at Uni Bonn. Historian of slavery, gender, and sexuality in early modern South Asia.
Niamh NicGhabhann
Niamh NicGhabhann
Associate Professor, Department of History at the University of Limerick. Researching religious architecture, histories of public space. Loves Irish design and new music! Labhair Gaeilge liom!