
Despite what some are saying, EV sales continue to grow, displacing ICE vehicles, decreasing fossil fuel consumption and emissions. With the availability of smaller cheaper models, the rate of change will accelerate. 🧪🔌💡
As someone that sells cars in my day job, I've been seeing a LOT of interest in them even in the midwest USA where there isn't a lot of infrastructure for them. I think that's also creating issues. If the infrastructure was there (Charging stations) you'd see a LOT more sales.
I drive a Kia Niro EV in the midwest and have not had charging issues. The rate at which new chargers are being added to the grid is quite high and comparable to added a new Tesla network each year.
The U.S. Is Deploying 125 New EV Chargers Every Single That's 900 new EV chargers each week, or more than 46,000 per year.
I had to Google maps nearby ones. Looks like a lot of the local Walmarts have them along with car dealerships.
Yes. You can find chargers with apps like PlugShare, ABRP, or various car brand specific apps.
I've driven an Audi etron since 2019 and even in New England, the only state with robust infrastructure was VT. In the last 2 years the # of accessible non-Tesla DCFchargers has increased to the point that no more range anxiety for me. I'll never go back to an ICE vehicle, for so many reasons
I drive a Ford Mach-E and live in an area of Appalachia. Two years ago it was sort of an issue but now there is almost no issue at all. 99% is home charging and for that 1% almost all towns at a minimum have Lvl II. All major hwys now have fast charging CCS Lvl III, no more than every 50-100 miles
My ebike cost so much less than a car & is much more fun to ride. And parking is typically right at the door.
That is an excellent solution for many!
Yeah, if one is concerned about saving energy, they should stop taking 4000lbs of steel everywhere they go. Big energy savings right there. Even EV sties will tell you that half of all car trips are bikeable distances
Study: Over Half Of US Daily Vehicle Trips Are Less Than Three This means the majority of real-world car trips are well within the range of a typical EV, and many studies confirm this.
We just got an ID.4. It’s amazing. Now I see EVs everywhere. Of course LA is already Tesla central, but the electric Mustang SUV is everywhere as well. I’ve seen many Cyberfucks in the wild including on campus at UCLA.
"Some" = MSM media pushing fossil fuels industry PR
Also Tesla sales are tanking so hard it's affecting the averages.
Yeah, a quick Google search shows that sales are increasing every year but I've seen so many headlines claiming that they aren't. It's nuts.