Keith of the Sea

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Keith of the Sea

I live on an island and I don't own a car
The two most irritating sounds around here are leafblowers and drivers whining about being held reponsible for their shitty driving
Few things are as cringe as otherwise smart people complaining about speed cameras.
In case you haven't seen, Microsoft said you can use all their software that's ever been available to dowload for free! Windows, Office, games, all free! Get cracking! And you can use those products' assets to create your own software! Fair use is amazing!
The Head of Microsoft AI Thinks All Content Online is 'Fair Use' His own AI product disagrees with him.
When police are bad: What about all the good ones? When police are good: Fuck that guy
Rare cop who does his job well slammed in media for inconveniencing rich people who threaten pedestrians and other drivers
ChatGPT already has “Ph.D.-level intelligence,” in that once you remove it from its extremely narrow field of expertise (assembling words into credible-sounding passages) it is wildly out of its depth, but people vastly overestimate its authority because they don’t understand what “intelligence” is.
Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
There's a group of bikeriding kids in my neigborhood that shout "BIKE LIFE" whenever someone on a bike passes by They're great
About half of my commute is along town streets, which really limits social interactions because so much is managing riding in lanes with motor vehicles. But sometimes there's kids out on bikes that make a distant fuss about my going by, and getting to chime my bike bell to them is just the best!
Temperature in the mid 80's. Low humidity. Clear skies. Light breeze. My mind in the 20th century: This is a nice day My mind in the 21st century: IT'S LIKE 9/11 OUT HERE
This hurt to read because it's true in both directions
It’s like the Mets run this goddamn state.
MLB holding itself resposible for MLB's racist past by claiming the stastical record of those that they excluded is very "The police investgated the claims of police misconduct and found nothing wrong"
it's our moral duty to make fun of the cybertruck
Holy shit. This thing is built like an R/C car. No, really.
One of the great things about getting around on a bike is that you're never moving so fast that you can't stop for that thing that you need when you pass the store that sells it Pair this with what Katie's describing here, and you'll wonder why you ever took an entire car for every trip
the thing about an ebike that i still need to rewire my brain for is that needing one item from the store stops being a debate about whether it's "worth" making the trip for one item. now, it's basically an excuse to ride, and i'll still come back home sooner anyways.
This sort of creativity should be rewarded, not punished
A woman who had been living inside a Michigan grocery store rooftop sign for a year has been asked to leave Authorities said the 34-year-old made the sign her home with a mini desk, food pantry, a houseplant and more
Woman found living inside Family Fare sign in Contractors working on the Midland, Michigan Family Fare roof found a woman who made a home inside the business' sign.
We're around six or seven MLB drafts away from a living, breathing Bobson Dugnutt
I have just been informed that there is an American football playing man whose name is General Booty 😃
I'd rather be listening to 261
At a local pizza joint with what what is the most jukebox playlist that ever jukeboxed. What song would you choose? I probably gotta go with 196.
They beat up Dartmouth's former chair of Jewish Studies and banned her from campus. To protect the Jews, you see.
on schedule
thinking about how the vietnam war protestors were covered by media to obfuscate the increasing war crimes being committed by the US and comparing it to how campus protests are being covered currently to obfuscate the ongoing genocide
They found a way to make the litte trucks more likable
The Kei Truck Garden Contest (2018) The Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors organizes an annual landscaping contest, where landscaping contractors from around Japan arrive on site & spend several hours transforming their cargo beds into gardens
Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
Libertarians are very consistent in two places: 1. misinterpreting pop culture 2. disregard for externalties
Watching the Lord of the Rings and coming away with the message that Frodo should have been more worried with prices for bread and pipeweed than with the fate of Gondor is exactly the kind of media literacy I'd expect from the national Libertarian Party
Can’t stress how amazing this feed of all gift links/gift articles shared on Bluesky is. It’s largely the best of the stuff in traditional papers without the bullshit and fluff, shared by people who liked it enough to pay for it.
They seem to have used kitchen appliance grade stainless steel, so this shouldn't be hard
what if we convince cybertruck owners they have to season them like cast iron pans
End of feed.