
This was in 2015.
Exactly right. Biden set records for deportations and the right is still screaming that we have "open borders." Stop trying to meet these psychos halfway.
Come on, ed, if we just keep acting in good faith, eventually, the conservatives will be shamed into better policies!
I’m almost done with your book “Chaotic Neutral” and it’s crazy-making to see you lay out how often they pull this shit.
Three options: 1: Biden is too senile to remember the last time this failed when he was VP '08-'16 2: Biden is too stupid to recognize this is happening again 3: Biden genuinely believes in radically evil policies with demonstrably cruel outcomes Someone give me a #4, please
4. Being shitty to immigrants doesn't hurt you politically.
That's only a reason to do this if 3 is also true, though, so it isn't really a separate option.
I disagree. A cynical enough politician will push for policy that doesn't cost votes if they gain something from it (concessions, an in with a new voter bloc, what have you) even if they personally don't personally believe in the policy.
"I can sell out a vulnerable part of the population to secure additional funding for one of our proxy wars" is a radically evil policy with demonstrably cruel outcomes.
doesn’t that just fall under the umbrella of 3?
I don't think so. To my read, 3 implies the problem is politicians with bad values. 4 implies the problem is that the bad values are shared by a significant number of voters.
or voters are generally unaware of details around things like immigration so they just believe whatever bs the party they like tells them
Sure, but that's still fundamentally different, IMO, from "politician is a bad person."
I really wonder what the Obama administration would have accomplished if they'd walked in knowing the GOP was pot committed to bad faith and sabatoging their efforts at every turn. So much momentum lost trying to appease the unappeasable.
I mean he walked in with a super majority on Day One and all we got was a health care bill that forced people into buying crappy, very expensive private plans
Shocking that "what if WE were the Republicans" doesn't work out well for Democrats.
Remember it like it was yesterday. That, and the Gang of Four negotiations over ACA. And Garland.
zomg and the debt ceiling negotiation / sequester how could i forget - same story every time - in the end, zero votes
its a culture war, facts don't matter
This insane bipartisanship fetish the Democrats have - I just don't understand it. I could understand it for maybe twenty years or something. I keep thinking they'll twig to the fact their colleagues would happily mulch them for a nickel, and *do*, regularly, but no, whistle past another graveyard.
It's interesting... maybe they should try putting it in a speech instead of complaining about it, after the fact, in what basically amounts to an exit interview. Dark Brandon: "I deported more motherfuckers than Trump could even dream of, that sick fucking showbiz amateur."
Someday Democrats are going to realize that pandering to conservatives about peaceful immigration is at worst cruel and at best counterproductive so they will "evolve" on immigration just as they did with gay marriage.
I think the media (in general, not just Fox) screaming about migrant crisis shit every single day basically sticks Biden in a box. Even if he weren't a rank opportunist, his options are incredibly limited because there is no vocally pro-immigrant constituency and no major media organs pushing back.
That said, the current media environment is on the Dems to some extent (failure to regulate, failure to develop own media apparatus, failure to message well, etc), but its a problem about 40-50 years in the making.
I must once again plug "The Land of Open Graves"
This time didn't we get cash and weapons for Ukraine?
I think that’s the only reason he’s going along with it. Johnson/the House is hell bent on sinking it anyway.
Not only was he setting records in deportations but he was assisting México with deporting people before they reached our border.