Fascism opposer

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Fascism opposer


He/him, leftist in South Carolina
'“Death blowing bubbles,” one of the several depictions of death created by Johann Georg Leinberger between 1729 and 1731 for the ceiling of the Holy Grave Chapel in Michaelsberg Abbey in Bamberg, Germany. inkedmag.com/original-new...
Do you know @alyankovic.bsky.social ? This would be an amazing collaboration.
Devil his due
Dark Brandon memes are fun, but Biden isn’t actually incapable of error. Nor is he the senile omni-failure his critics depict him as. He’s an uncommonly successful politician with a lot of strengths and some weaknesses. One of the weaknesses: they’re not good at navigating 21st-century media
Drove to Charleston yesterday. On the way I saw 2 proud boys banners hanging from bridges across 26 and a billboard for a Jordan Peterson talk on the way out of town. Not good feelings y’all.
I don't want AI search of my files, I want invisible zero downtime update installs and for nobody to be one click or trivial mistake away from ransomwaring their machine or corporate network
Connections was bullshit today (I am not a smart man apparently)
Novelty rappers lined up around the block to beef with Drake while there's still some prestige in it. Poor bastard is going to have to go on the mic against MC Chris and Professor Elemental.
I saw a bunch of cows chilling in a little pond this afternoon. They seemed to be having a good time, happy for them!
Lord grant me the serenity to accept SOMETHING’S GOTTA GIVE, the courage to change what’s WRONG WITH ME, and the wisdom to LET THE BODY’S HIT THE FLOOOOOOOOOR
you have to answer the wizard's riddle to turn off cruise control
If they treat the disease they won't be able to sell us the cure for the symptoms- its all in my 300 page book "Living With Wrestlemania: A Conspiracy Of Silence."
“Everything happens for a reason” … no it doesn’t. There is no reason. There’s no more reason for that or this or anything else than there is for a rock or a cloud or a color. Compliment a goat. Eat a lampshade. Mail a turtle to a stranger. Be chaos or be entropy but don’t pretend it matters 🙌
Kristi Noem and Melania, too. They all end up looking like women in a Rob Liefeld comic from the early 90’s with the same lantern jaws and hexagonal lips
Angela Chao had a BAC of .23?! Holy shit that’s druuunk. And if Tesla hadn’t stopped her she’d have driven like that. Thanks for the commitment to safety!
Goodhart’s Law xkcd.com/2899
The haiku pattern: Five-seven-five syllables —by ChatGPT
This pizza from little Caesar’s is the worst goddamned thing ever.
Ohio has basically defacto banned trans healthcare for adults using a similar strategy to why there was only a handful of abortion clinics in the entire Midwest before the Dobbs decision (TRAP laws) cis people please repost this so this info doesn't get stuck in the queer social bubble
Breaking: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) bans, by executive order, gender-affirming surgery for minors, effective immediately. The move followed last week's veto of a broader bill. He also announced two proposed rules that will apply to all care, including adults. substack.com/profile/2269...
jason mewes voice she LOVES the globe
Trump and his supporters have a small child’s understanding of the world. Not even a particularly bright child.
CNN and NPR both have stories about Claudine Gay that make no mention of Christopher Rufo. Shameful.
Has *anyone* in US media done any reckoning or self-reflection about the fact that they got caught up in a bogus moral panic driven by big retailers? Will anyone do anything differently the next time around?
Column: How the retail lobby sold a $45-billion whopper about organized shopliftinglatimes.com Politicians and the press bought into the panic over organized shoplifting, but the source of the alarming statistic now admits that it was a lie.
People confuse binaries with bimodalities, and if they got past Biology 101 (or just, like, read) they would know that.
N: Montreal E: Edinburgh S: Austin W: San Francisco
It’d be so cool if my daughter would actually stay all night when she goes to a sleepover.
I love seeing that so many people I follow are guests on the guys podcast!
Had to be a typo in his prompt to give him three onions right? My guess is "allium" instead of "alimony".