
Today’s newsletter: some thoughts on Rishi Sunak’s election campaign, and the decisions, in the last six weeks, but also the last two years that made it so:
Why has Rishi Sunak’s campaign been such a disaster? The PM’s blunders worsened his chances amid a backdrop of crumbling public services and party fundraising struggles
You make a good point about simply not using any of the deteriorating services the rest of us have to deal with.
Thanks. What I find funny about it is he and his inner circle love to talk about how things work “in business”, well, I don’t know of a single business where the top team is as detached from what happens on the shop floor as Rishi is from the services *he runs*!
watching my kids’ end of term concert the other week, the phrase “he wants to be conductor but can’t be bothered to learn an instrument” popped into my head, and immediately it fitted for Sunak. No willingness to learn any ropes, just a determination that he should be in charge.
I keep thinking about the interviews where he keeps trying to make schools a dividing line: visibly has no grip of the cross-party history of that policy, just an unthinking “Tories good, Labour bad” view of how policy “must” work.
Not the first Tory PM to fit that mold, either.