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An egalitarian. Rob the rich, feed the poor. Violence is justifiable; question is always whether it was or not.
This country deserves to burn, may there not even be ash left after.
This website is nothing but fiscally conservative Democrats patting themselves on the back for supporting genocide, but knowing it’s wrong, so that makes them morally superior... That’s it. That’s this entire user base. Fuck this site.
Had they simply charged Trump with “inciting a riot” instead of bullshit trumped up charges like “insurrection” or whatever the fuck, there’d be no appeal reviewed by the Court, and no decision mentioning the word “immunity.” This was a setup.
You know what’s nuts? These people are trying to treat the symptom by doing what causing the disease. Yeah, we are so fucking doomed.
The energy I'm getting from a lot of people here is the same energy I felt 2016 when Trump got elected. And you know what happened? Trump got 3 justices on the supreme court. We can actually prevent him from doing more of that this time.
I feel like people don’t realize this: “recycling” as an individualist obligation was a scam to avoid collective action and accountability; it was a way to harm activists, and protect business and the ruling class. It made sure the problem couldn’t be address.
Pollution and trash should have been addressed by putting it on the manufacturers. It should have been a business cost to the producers to collect and remediate the waste products sufficiently to community standards, or not be allowed to produce it at all.
It should have been treated as the toxic waste that it actually is. In fact, toxic waste should have been treated more seriously too.
Dictatorship of the proletariat is even more effective.
Bob, go fuck yourself, you genocidal fascist piece of shit.
Reposted byAvatar Egalitarian
I see that the SC opened the door for MORE criminalization of the houseless. But many of us have been seeing how this has been happening locally for years. The SC can't criminalize the houseless, OUR LOCAL POLITICIANS & POLICY MAKERS have been and will. We need to FIGHT THEM.
Reposted byAvatar Egalitarian
in a 6-3 decision, scotus today ruled that the rich may hunt the poor for sport and that the poor do not have standing to sue when maimed nor their families when victims succumb to their mortal wounds. justice clarence thomas wrote in the court’s decision “i’ll see you at dinner later harlan.”
There’s an ocean between “lesser evil voting” and “vote blue” nonsense, and voting for communists and only communists. The idea of “not voting at all” is actually closer to the former than the latter. Much of the rhetoric pretends otherwise.
This is so insane, and they don’t even know it’s insane. “Can’t trust the legislature” so we must trust… the most overtly and intentionally reactionary branch instead? No other way to put that except insane.
because that same principle also was responsible for ending segregation, miscegenation laws, and upholding every substantive due process right of the last 100 years, and you can't trust a fucking legislature to do that instead.
Law school really fucks up people’s heads.
There was a few years, out of 230, were we had a court that was marginally ok. And judicial review proved extremely unstable foundations for all of those gains. It was not worth it. Those should have been codified by the legislative branch, not the court. That’s the whole point.
Reposted byAvatar Egalitarian
Alito announcing his opinion from the bench as Trump is drone striked. I'm just saying, it's possible.
I’m speaking on the Meme, and the current campaign messaging. And why the fuck do you want to preserve the “baby” of “Judicial Review” which is the thing that held that a “black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.” No, we NEED to throw that out with the bath water.
Electing Biden was supposed to prevent all that lmao, he had 4 of these years. “But what could he have done!” Not the point, as it was literally the reason we were supposed to vote for him. But to answer it anyway, “nullify Judicial Review” is the correct answer, but he will never.
Everything was always a local fight, and we have not been fighting.
now that they've fully defanging federal regulators, ensuring ANY attempt at reform is bogged down in perpetual legal bog, the corporatists and fascists can shift their cooperative focus toward crushing the last vestiges of state rights everything is a local fight now
He could just say “judicial review is nonsense” and win without war.
It’s because you literally support voting for your direct opponents.
To be fair, there’s not a whole lot that a “good faith belief” claim can’t get you out of, even before this case.
There is no “center.” “Centrism” is literally just a euphemism for “Rightwing, but Democrat.” The communists were correct about “social fascism” but you don’t understand the terms in the phrase, and it’s not worth trying to explain it to someone uninterested in it.
Serfs literally had more leisure time, and healthier work-life balances than us.
Remember, States can pass laws making Pi equal to 3.2 because it’s simpler.
People really do think that “lesser evil voting” is a little innocent harmless thing. It’s not. It’s a very significant harmful thing. I don’t know how to get that through to people who aren’t thinking about it rationally.
Reposted byAvatar Egalitarian
No, things can definitely get worse, and definitely will get infinitely worse, but whether Trump or Biden wins will have negligible effect on it. For things to even begin to go in a good direction, “lesser evil” needs to be rejected first.
The Biden presidency has been successful for the rightwing conservatives among us, and an abject failure for the rest of us. You’re the delusional one.