✍️ Gabrielle Steele 🐉

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✍️ Gabrielle Steele 🐉


Writes epic fantasy ✨Pits MCs against dragons, gods, and the occasional squirrel ⚔️Strong female leads 🗡️Mad/Creative/Geek/Mum 📚#WritingCommunity

Chronically fatigued

Essex, UK | she/her | Story Mage
My husband, dear readers. Yes I love him.
We had an impromptu zoo visit and I’m not exhausted! Because I had my mobility scooter. I got to go up the far end of the zoo which I haven’t done in years. 😭 I’d never seen the Guinea pig town before. They have a pub!!! Husband had to push me up a few hills though 😂 Didn’t take much of a boost.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation. (I keep this one saved within easy reach on all my devices)
I got my mobility scooter. I took the kids for a walk! 🥹 We had fun even though it was a short walk (battery needs a proper charge). It was so nice!!
My husband and kids know me so well 😍 Makes me feel a bit better about being 36.
It’s still not frayed or threadbare, unlike some newer flannels I have.
I received a reply to my complaint to the BBC about the use of generative AI in advertising copy for #DoctorWho. Woo I don’t have to boycott the show anymore! Assuming they don’t change their plans. 🧐
My thumb joint has actually been hurting lately so “method writing” is a good excuse to give it a break.
I'm out seeking pain again, querying Echoes of Chaos once more! #WritingCommunity
I was going to do more writing after lunch. Odin had other ideas. He was on the sofa next to me but climbed back onto my lap.
Watching Robots with Odin and 6yo. 5yo is hiding upstairs because the film is too scary. Poor Odin seems a bit run down today. He’s 10 bless him. I think he was cold in the conservatory. Usually he would run off but he’s been sat on me for over half an hour.
“Can you explain this gap in your resume?” I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
“can you explain this gap in your resume?” *deep breath* WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WARTHOOOOGGGG
Having spent today’s spoons dancing a little with my kids yesterday, I finally managed to get dressed at midday. Now look what happened! Yes I sleep between two duvets. I’m a sandwich filling.
Currently writing from beneath 4yo’s new bed because she wants someone in the room.
Also look at this cover!😍 My mum made the coin (in clay I think), which is big enough to fit in two hands. #bookcover
I’ve realised I don’t have any recent pictures of her! This is from 3 years ago. She’s hibernating in a wine cooler in my parents’ dining room at the moment 😂
From today’s sketch page. I relate hard to this poor spider-mum 😂 Makes me glad I only have 2.
I’ve decided to try starting the day sketching to get the creative juices flowing. This is from yesterday. See if you can spot the one that inspired the short story I started yesterday. #writing #sketchdump
☹️ I hope Studio Ghibli learn of this (and the other artists mentioned). Is this 100% genuine? I’m utterly amazed they’d be stupid enough to leak something like this.
Freyja has discovered the hamster video. #cat
Poor 6yo isn’t very well ☹️ He’s in bed with a sick bucket and hamster maze videos.
My mother in law seems to think husband needs siege weaponry…
I don’t know why but I’m getting ACOTAR Spring Court vibes from these guys. The one on the left, I’ve got my eye on you…
NaNo day 16 and I did it! 😭 I never thought I'd make 50k in a month, let alone 16 days. #NaNoWriMo #WritingCommunity
I bought some bookmarks yesterday and they’ve got isbns on the back!
It’s still an annoying money grab.