eldris.thellian.com follows

Tina Emmerich
Tina Emmerich
Helping authors become better storytellers. Developmental editor for fantasy and sci-fi romance.
🔗 https://www.hea-editorial.com/
Erik Mercer
Erik Mercer
SciFi/fantasy author, translator, language nerd, psychology. Author of "Vagabonds & Bureaucrats". Out there to support fellow writers!
We have always lived in the tower. We are legion | We/they/them | Editors: Alex Hofelich, Shawn Garrett | Asst. Eds: Kat Day, Scott Campbell | Host: Alasdair Stuart | PseudoPod.org
Mara S. Akram
Mara S. Akram
Writer who likes to draw | AMM @AuthorMentorM R7 | http://art4mara.com
SFF writer, work in Clarkesworld, Augur Mag, Flash Fiction Mag, elsewhere. Codexian. She/her
aka azurewaxwing
Website cgfiction.com
Retired chemistry & engineering educator, Stargate/Dark Matter/Travelers, etc. fan, voracious reader, FRC 6107 mentor, crazy cat lady. I like bats, cats, and tats because they are easy to spell, but not rats.
Christian Bartasevic
Christian Bartasevic
🏛 Writing a biography about my Volga-German grandparents

📚 Author and Historian

👏🏻 Looking to make friends!

Vivian Sayan
Vivian Sayan
👽 Limax on 🌍 in 🇸🇪 working as 👩‍🏫 and am an aspiring #scifi #Writer. 💜#Tropes #Conlang #Conworld 1️⃣🌍2️⃣📘 #nopolitical Support people while exploring new AI tools
No spam intention.
Thomas Ha
Thomas Ha
Writer || Nebula, Locus, & Shirley Jackson Nominee || Best American SFF. Brave New Weird. Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror || Codex, SFWA, & HWA || Korean/Irish hapa. Father o' three. He/him. thomashawrites.com
Diabolical Plots
Diabolical Plots
SF/F/H magazine, Ignyte Award winning Submission Grinder tool for writers, Long List Anthology. https://ko-fi.com/diabolicalplots
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
Celebrating modern authors and artists in sword & sorcery - Beating Hearts & Battle-Axes anthology coming soon!

Living in Scotland
Voracious Reader
Home Cook
Super Casual Gamer
Servant of Cats
Hag In Training
Vajra Chandrasekera
Vajra Chandrasekera
Writer. Revenant. Author of the novels THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS (Crawford, Locus, Nebula winner; Le Guin, Hugo, SCKA finalist) and RAKESFALL (out now!) http://vajra.me/books

Usually Colombo, currently NYC. Website: https://vajra.me
Tade Thompson
Tade Thompson
Writer: Rosewater, Murders of Molly Southbourne, Far from the Light of Heaven, Making Wolf, Jackdaw, shorts, screenplays.

Arthur C. Clarke Award winner.
Hugo nominated.

Agent: Alex Cochran (books); Luke Speed (screen-UK); Charlie Ferarro (screen US)
Rebecca Thorne
Rebecca Thorne
LGBT+ author who writes badass lesbians. Repped by Taryn Fagerness when I'm not indie. MFA. Find me on TikTok!
Alex Woodroe
Alex Woodroe
Shirley Jackson Award-nominated EIC of TenebrousPress. Dark specfic writer. Romanian folklore nerd. Optimistic nihilist.

🌲WHISPERWOOD 07/23 from Flame Tree Press

Self-publishing made easy
G.L. Reynolds 🦝 || Aspiring Writer
G.L. Reynolds 🦝 || Aspiring Writer
He/They || Level 29 || Fantasy || Worldbuilding my loved, actually writing my beloathed

Mostly Active on Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/literarynecromancy/
Elise Stangeland
Elise Stangeland
Surviving the zombie apocalypse one leadership lesson at a time. Author of the upcoming “Leadership in a Zombie Apocalypse” 📖 where brains meet brawn. #writingcommunity #norskforfatter
Liath LaVerne Hawke
Liath LaVerne Hawke
Writer, artists, and creative entrepreneur. Building my own studios to house my content and a future social site for creatives.
James Wright
James Wright
Indie author & librarian who loves writing, reading and watching Comedy, Horror & Wrestling!
Check out my works in the links👇!
Millie Abecassis
Millie Abecassis
📚 Author of speculative fiction · She/Elle 🇫🇷🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈
💎 BRIGHT CITY, SHATTERED (‘24 at Polymath Press)
🐺 DAUGHTERS OF THE BLUE MOON (‘25 at Anuci Press)
🐍 LA COULEUR DU TEMPS (‘26 at @moonstruckbooks.bsky.social)
🌐 millieabecassis.com
Janina Franck
Janina Franck
Author, Photographer, Adventurer

Find my books here: https://books2read.com/ap/8PMBpo/Janina-Franck
Website: https://janinafranck.com
Liriel McMahon
Liriel McMahon
All is not as it seems (he/they) 50+ writer of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and historical fiction, expat in Ireland, ruled by the 3 Cs (cats, chocolate, and cheese), 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 - lirielmcmahon.com
AK Faulkner 🏳️‍⚧️🖊️📚
AK Faulkner 🏳️‍⚧️🖊️📚
Your friendly local agender trauma merchant.

Author of the Inheritance series (LGBTQ+ Urban Fantasy).

Corgi wrangler. Cat chew-toy.

Any pronouns.

YA Fantasy Writer, reader. mother. Nature lover, chief cook and bottle washer. I have been bent and broken but I hope into a better shape! ♥️(Charles Dickens)
Steve Fox
Steve Fox
Can run backwards • Person of Wisconsin • Part-time vegan

en | es | pt

Debut collection SOMETIMES CREEK (Cornerstone Press) winner American BookFest Best Book Award and 2023 Chicago Writers Assn Book of the Year Award finalist
Zira Phema, Writer
Zira Phema, Writer
Zira (she/they • 25+) is a queer, mixed-race emerging author from Western MA. Inspired by surrealism, fantasy, and horror, she creates experimental speculative fiction and poetry.


Author Site: https://ziraphema.wordpress.com
David J. Stuart
David J. Stuart
Absolute amateur of a writer who can't even alliterate properly. Even less skilled at gaming and musicianship. Permanently tired. He/Him. ⚤

No AI/NFTs/Crypto
Joseph P. Gillis
Joseph P. Gillis
I mask.
Author: Can't Leave Penny https://a.co/d/8SgikSi
artist, no permission to use data/images. Him his ally to all margins.
author https://archiveofourown.org/users/Joseph_Gillis/works
JP Spalding  - ✍️ #amwriting
JP Spalding - ✍️ #amwriting
Secretly a parrot pecking at millet from between the keys of a discarded keyboard. New author of scifi. novella about birds. Mybook.to/BTBW
Seeking representation.
IN MY SPARE TIME: Political Video editor. VFX compositor. Owner of a smol parrot
Clarion West
Clarion West
Workshops for people who are serious about writing.

Speculative Fiction | Clarion West Six-Week Workshop | Online Classes & Workshops | Programs for Speculative Fiction Writers | Readings & Author Events

Find us at clarionwest.org
R.S.A. Garcia (she/her)
R.S.A. Garcia (she/her)
Nebula Award winning SpecFic author. MIFRE Media Award Winner. Sturgeon, Locus, Ignyte, Eugie Foster Finalist. Codex/SFWA. She/Her

The Nightward - @HarperVoyagerUS Oct 2024

Agent: @BookCannibal

Go Fund Me for Cancer: https://acesse.dev/TswPq
loves cats.
Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis
👻 MG writer of horror & fantasy
📚 Book lover
🐶 Dog lover
☕️ Coffee drinker
🍫 Chocolate fiend
Avril Marie Aalund
Avril Marie Aalund
Regency Romance Writer with a blog about writing, life, and whatever else comes to mind. Gamer and cat mom with PCOS. She/Her, 27
Drema Deòraich
Drema Deòraich
Fallen, Book 1 of The Founder's Seed, out May 1! Writer, Nature-lover, spider-savior, peacemaker, cat mom. Speculative fiction that asks big questions. www.niveymarts.com
KJ Charles
KJ Charles
She/her. British, European. Purveyor of opinions, rude words, and romance novels, historical and fantasy. http://kjcharleswriter.com
Speculative Insight journal
Speculative Insight journal
A journal that explores the breadth and depth of the themes, ideas, and issues of science fiction and fantasy. Ed. Alexandra Pierce.
Claire Waller
Claire Waller
Horror, Fantasy & YA author. Rep: Sandra Sawicka (Marjacq). Creator of cosmic horror podcast, Museum of the Missing. Artist - open for commissions via Kofi, all links to everything in my linktree👇👇
Morgan Dansby
Morgan Dansby
morgan | she/her | 27 | aspiring SFF writer
E.R. LeVar
E.R. LeVar
I am a SFF #writer, a world-traveler, a loom-weaver, and (currently) a graduate student looking to maybe get a degree in something less-than-useful. Oh, and sometimes I review YA books, too!

HWS Events
HWS Events
HWS run events, including Fantasycon 2023 and WFC 2025, as well as other creative projects.
Posts by Karen (she/her).
Mari Ness, writer of things
Mari Ness, writer of things
I write things. Occasionally they get published.

Also occasionally on other sites, including marikness.wordpress.com, https://medium.com/@marikness, https://www.patreon.com/mari_ness. Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/mari_ness
R. A. Klepsis, #author and Wizard Extraordinaire. Water Against Chaos, The Amulet and the Dragon.
Klepsis.com for blog, book details, and newsletters
Ralf the Wise & Powerful
Ralf the Wise & Powerful
American living in Belgium. PhD in Philosophy. Mostly, though, I make dumb jokes. He/him.

*Display name is a reference to a character from the novels of Daniel Keyes Moran, not an inflated sense of self-worth
Melissa Addey
Melissa Addey
✍️ Author of historical fiction set in China, Morocco and Rome (so far!). Starting Regency romance. PhD in Creative Writing. Run workshops at the British Library for entrepreneurial writers. Resources for authors on website www.MelissaAddey.com
ESL teacher, stage 3 triple-neg breast cancer fighter, and YA fantasy writer who owns far more books than shelf space (she/her)
A.C. Salter 📚⚔️
A.C. Salter 📚⚔️
Fantasy author of The Daughter of Chaos series. The Dylap series, Merry Wish and many others.

Links: https://linktr.ee/acsalter