✍️ Gabrielle Steele 🐉

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✍️ Gabrielle Steele 🐉


Writes epic fantasy ✨Pits MCs against dragons, gods, and the occasional squirrel ⚔️Strong female leads 🗡️Mad/Creative/Geek/Mum 📚#WritingCommunity

Chronically fatigued

Essex, UK | she/her | Story Mage
People of England, your attention please. Reminder about the consultation closing 11 July about changes to the relationships, sex & health education statutory guidance. If you're LGBTQIA, or an ally, please check it out & complete with a view to protecting LGBTQIA people. www.gov.uk/government/c...
Review of the RSHE statutory guidancewww.gov.uk We’re seeking your views on changes to the relationships, sex and health education statutory guidance.
My new WIP has a non-binary giant axolotl and I love them.
The scene I'm writing might actually give me trypophobia. (Don't look it up if you don't know what it is!!) #WritingCommunity #AmWriting
Does anyone working on the 2nd draft of their second world adult fantasy want to do a chapter swap critique? #Writers #WritingCommunity #AmWriting
Does anyone working on the 2nd draft of their second world adult fantasy want to do a chapter swap critique? #Writers #WritingCommunity #AmWriting
Anyone else getting a little afraid of technological advancements? It makes me feel like an old, out of touch person. But they’re using mini brains as computers and it creeps me out, plus all the ethical questions.
My husband, dear readers. Yes I love him.
@support.bsky.team Please give us the ability to remove followers! Blocking doesn’t do it.
Couldn’t find the inspiration to write today so I changed the toilet seat which was meant to be done like a year ago 😂
Great. Now DuckDuckGo is using generative AI. Does anyone know of a good search engine not using it?
Just woke up from the most awful dream. My mind was throwing it all at me. ☹️ 5:45 but I refuse to go back to sleep and risk more of it 😩
It’s 11pm and my husband just went out to spray weed killer. I’m getting real Bart Simpson flying a kite at night vibes 😂 And if you get that reference, hello, let’s be friends.
Today, I discovered what little fashion sense I have is worth far less to me than my mobility scooter. The moment it started raining, I whipped out my rain poncho to protect my scoooter. I didn't feel quite as socially anxious about it as I thought I would.
Saw this for the first time today. Seems legit.
I'm still amazed I get ~20 views daily on my blog post about naming fantasy places. They pretty much all come from google searches. I'm wondering what else I could write about writing, but a feel like a bit of a fraud when I've not published a novel. What topics would people find useful? #Writing
We had an impromptu zoo visit and I’m not exhausted! Because I had my mobility scooter. I got to go up the far end of the zoo which I haven’t done in years. 😭 I’d never seen the Guinea pig town before. They have a pub!!! Husband had to push me up a few hills though 😂 Didn’t take much of a boost.
Can’t think of a good metaphor? Simply have your character comment on how awful the metaphor is. Not me doing this in Reborn in Ash 😂 #WritingCommunity
That full request turned into a no. I'm grateful they took a look though. I've pretty much run out of suitable agents for Echoes of Chaos. There are some outstanding queries, but I've only had one full request so I'm not hopeful. I'll be focusing on editing Reborn in Ash now. #WritingCommunity
I’ve been busy 4 of the past 5 days. I shouldn’t be surprised I’ve crashed today. The TV is babysitting but the kids did just sit through 2 episodes of Planet Earth because I fell asleep before the first ended. Makes me feel less guilty.
Waaaay too many dreams last night. And I didn’t even get to eat the cake I ordered. 😭
May have got a bit addicted to playing Paper Trail today. I’ve never seen a game like it. You have to origami fold bits of the map you’re on to use the design on the back to make new paths. Good brain exercise!
I’m crying about a character death in a middle grade book I haven’t read because my husband told me the ending after having finished reading it to 5yo and it’s just so sad😭
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation. (I keep this one saved within easy reach on all my devices)
AI WARNING - meta users If you do not submit an objection to them using your posts on their platforms they seem to assume you give consent to use them in generative AI models. I don’t believe this is legal but they are probably assuming people can’t afford to sue. They’ve confirmed my objection.
AI WARNING - meta users If you do not submit an objection to them using your posts on their platforms they seem to assume you give consent to use them in generative AI models. I don’t believe this is legal but they are probably assuming people can’t afford to sue. They’ve confirmed my objection.
Went swimming, ended up with one of the owner’s Rottweiler’s in the pool again 😍 My MIL’s cockapoo came in too, much to his displeasure 😂
An unexpected hedgehog has visited Liwei in the Stormswood draft. I love pantsing 🥰
I found a journal from 2018 and I’m sad there were only a handful of entries. My son was about 5 months and I’d just found out I was pregnant with my daughter. 😍 I really should start journaling again.
I kind of love the nhs app, because now I can see my own ECG and stare at it like “but what does it mean” 😂
Writing is flowing today, despite someone being here to fix up the window install. And I somehow find myself looking up how much a tiger skin weighs. I'm sorry tiger, but you attacked Zuhur and now she wants to make some coin 😭 #WritingCommunity