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Crafter by necessity to stay occupied whilst dealing with health issues. MCAS PoTS Hypothyroidism (need T3 for life) ? still ME. Please entertain me and lets connect.
In a previous life xcountry skier, hen and beekeeper, keen gardener and HCW.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
I’ve finally captured it. My meathead of a dog purposefully pops basketballs immediately and then puts them on his head and runs around like a basketball head.
PO Inquiry Andy Dunks isn’t getting on very well with questions posed by Mr Beer. It will get worse now as core participants question him.
I hear you sodding strimmer (whilst operator uses ear defenders 🤬) for the whole morning. The trusty 20 year old ipod with speaker is doing well to take my mind off it. In the mood for something loud with plenty of rhythm with sound well up.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Monday rant When you advertise widely that 2 properties are for sale and yet can offer no viewings in the next 10 days WTF are you doing? One property struck from list as couldn’t view with their last estate agent either. Choose wisely people, 1% of sale value is a hefty fee.
So now it is openly admitted that a certain gentleman is still suffering from an injury and not what I, a physio, would call fully match fit. Please stop believing bodies will do as you wish and rather accept reality that recovery takes time.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Reminder: If #England get beaten, so will she. #DomesticViolence increases by 26% when #England win or draw and 38% if they lose. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 on the keypad. Women- Refuge on 0808 2000 247 Men- Respect Men 0808 8010327
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
A Tesla in full-self driving mode hit my twin today. The driver was not aware, did not have his hands on the wheel, and did not brake. He hit this mother of 2 going 30 mph before blaming it on FSD getting confused by a train and driving off, as if that explained everything. So now, it's personal.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Imagine the world if we’d learned from Covid. If we’d… Let long covid disability teach us to abandon the grind for slow living? Embraced WFH and reduced travel to protect the climate? Made public health proactive instead of reactive? Recognized clean air as an urgent human right? We still can.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
I had always assumed alt text was mainly for people who use screen readers; I hadn't realized it also helps others: neurodivergent, those with sensory processing issues, etc. Please do read @oedipusnj.bsky.social's post: eustace.link/hi-bluesky-i... as well as this thread: bsky.app/profile/oedi...
A SIMPLE GUIDE TO PROVIDING USEFUL ALT ON BLUESKY 1/ ALT's sole function on Bluesky is to provide an autonomous & as fully equivalent an experience of an image as possible for the blind/VI & neurodivergent If you can see it & read it, I should be able to feel or hear it without leaving Bluesky
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Someone who's made a crochet pop-it stim toy please enlighten me, are they *actually* good for stimming or are they more like a cute toy with a moving part because they don't look like they'd deal with repetitive stimming well 🧶
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
When I moved to the UK I experienced disability discrimination like I had never previously. Along with job descriptions and interviews that lied about job responsibilities, the outright discrimination and being completely unwilling to collaborate on solutions was new. It's the culture here.
So hearing a new DWP minister speak about how we need to end economic inactivity due to poor health with *zero* mentions of the discrimination that leads to inactivity (and often poorer health from the distress) makes me fear for my future here yet again.
Rehab is essential and yet physios and OTs are still having to raise money for equipment. Their aim is £5000. I spent nearly 20 years doing the same. Time for massive change and yes Wes it will take pots of cash. www.bbc.co.uk/news/article...
Crewe therapists pedal through the night for new equipmentwww.bbc.co.uk The physiotherapists and occupational therapists at Leighton Hospital are raising money for charity.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
I hope those teachers wear it like a badge of honour. Engraved plaques for their front doors, add it to their email signatures and social media biographies.
Reform MP Rupert Lowe is now compiling a list of teachers who “allegedly” push anti-Reform views. The Far Right and Lists. Always.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
2/ “(Contd) These technologies were used to understand the enigmatic long COVID illness and manage symptoms through pacing energy through finding correlations between activities and their impact on their self-tracked data." #pacing #LongCovid
The Telegraph really carrying the stories that matter: Why hasn’t my £1.6m house sold? Really dont want that tosh in my ‘news’ app.
In a lost space we used to discuss overheard in Waitrose. In that vein: Overheard in the supermarket today. Farage dressed middle-aged man with family, watches the child choose jam from the shelf. ‘It’s only ever jam tomorrow now Lois with socialism’. Child puts jam in trolley.
And finally we can talk about it! Phew. So rare that I am pleased with a men’s team football result.
OH still hasn’t finished watching last nights match. Not sure how much longer I can wait as have been humming 3 lions for 2 hours now.
OH still hasn’t finished watching last nights match. Not sure how much longer I can wait as have been humming 3 lions for 2 hours now.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
To all the abled folks that use the phrase “wheelchair bound” this is a beautiful example of why we in the disability community do not use those words. Accessibility devices are tools of freedom!!!
just took my new wheelchair for a spin around the block w/ my dog (something i could never even dream of doing before) & i am tearing up at how much joy it brought me. it's incredible how just by having access to the right mobility aids, i already feel so much less depressed.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Jonathan Pie says “Thank you!” to the Conservative Party in a way that you might not have imagined. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYMy...
Thank you!www.youtube.com A new day has dawned in Westminster.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Two things about the UK election. Completely civil and decent handover of power, from all involved, apart from Farage over there lighting his own farts. PM Starmer, first speech, allowed to speak without the interruption of woos and applause, a sensible crowd despite a massive win.
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Argh P. Mandelson taking about what NHS needs to continue ‘curing’ chronic illness, harnessing data and tech to improve the service. 1 the service is on it’s knees i.e. clinical staff 2 we needed more staff, equipment and modern hospitals about 10 years ago 3 ask the clinical staff what they need
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor
Dear British media, you need to understand that Farage is not just a pantomime villain who is good for your ratings. He is a very dangerous, man. Stop giving him disproportionate airtime to the Greens.
He has just used professional and conservatives in the same sentence as they move to their role as the opposition 😳
Reposted byAvatar Eleanor