
To all the abled folks that use the phrase “wheelchair bound” this is a beautiful example of why we in the disability community do not use those words. Accessibility devices are tools of freedom!!!
just took my new wheelchair for a spin around the block w/ my dog (something i could never even dream of doing before) & i am tearing up at how much joy it brought me. it's incredible how just by having access to the right mobility aids, i already feel so much less depressed.
I told my family we were considering getting my husband a wheelchair for his bad days, and was met with "Oh no! He shouldn't have to use that. He needs to walk while he still can!" Like uhm, he won't be glued to the thing. It's literally a tool to keep him mobile when he CAN'T walk. It's a tool!
Goodness gracious, it's a good thing. Not a punishment 🤦
Oh my god?? So he should suffer?? The ABLEISM!!!!
They've never been exposed to disability up close. They've seen wheelchairs as something you use when paralyzed, and "your muscles get weak cause you never use them". They also had never seen him during his bad days. We've since made sure to expose them after he got to borrow a rollator.
The reaction was shock. "Emi! He nearly fell down earlier!!" Erm, yes, that happens frequently. Sometimes he catches himself, sometimes he doesn't. That's our everyday. Queue them scrambling to find a cure for the incurable, lifelong (not lethal) disorder. I call it exposure therapy for ablelists.
Absolutely fucking EXHAUSTING
And its puts people in more danger because they're trying to tough it out during moderate times. Mobility devices are such a blessing.
They really are. He has a cane now and got to borrow a rollator while we wait for a physical therapist appointment. It's so nice to see him walk with more confidence.
God, my dad got a nice motorized wheelchair through the VA and he refuses to use it. So if we visit and go out, trips may be cut short because he is tired out. He even has a lift on his truck to put the chair in and out of the bed of his truck.
There's something about that generation and "disability = AWFUL", I swear. I won't relay some of the "pity" comments from one specific older family member, but they made me double take. It's not fun, but that's why there's tools to help!
I stopped myself from using the phrase “wheelchair bound” recently but wondered if there’s a preferred alternative (wheelchair user?). I’d be interested in learning what people prefer.
Wheelchair user is what I've heard most often.
I like that, if it appeals to those who fit the description. That reinforces the idea that it’s a tool, not a trap or a curse.
Probably not a great idea for non-wheelchair users to decide what term is best.
Won't stop 'em from trying though. Every condition, you name it, people who don't have it will insist on telling those who do how to speak about it. 😑
Kat was asking for help on this, and even in this post, which I can see might be annoying, is still asking what the community prefers, even if not in the best way. I would also like to ask what the community would prefer.
As a person with a progressive disability who will soon be wheelchair bound: nah. It’s a curse, and I would go through ANY amount of pain to have working legs again for a full week. Being in pain and limited to where wheels can go SUCKS.
I’ve used a wheelchair for 31 years, it’s not a curse and it doesn’t suck. Nor am I bound to it.
I’m glad it doesn’t suck FOR YOU, but it DOES suck FOR ME. I’m trapped in a failing body, it’s destroyed every dream I’ve ever had, and my life would objectively be better if that weren’t the case. You do not have to share MY feelings about MY disability, but they’re every bit as valid as yours.
They’re absolutely valid for you, nobody is disputing that. I’m addressing your ‘nah’ to the OP’s comment. The disability community as a general group (insofar as it’s possible to group us) doesn’t like the term wheelchair bound. That’s a fact.
It was so weird when my ex went from dual forearm canes to a wheelchair and people treated them like they had less freedom. "But I can actually carry things now!"