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Umbraphile. Vaccine enthusiast . Lefty living in Minneapolis. Interested in police abolition, MPS and city politics. She/her. Trans rights are human rights. Mom to 2 teens. I have 2 ridiculous dogs and I post their pictures to lower my blood pressure.
Good morning CD5! Do you have a plan to vote on or before August 13th? If in the burbs, I think you vote early at your city hall. If in Minneapolis, here’s early vote information:
Your regular reminder that Don Samuels sucks and Ilhan is pretty good and you can early vote now thru primary day, August 13th. Make your vote plan!
Vote early Any Minneapolis voter may choose to vote before Election Day. Early voting options are available beginning 46 days before an election.
Reposted byAvatar Maura
Haunted by the old hippie at our caucus in March that said “Chicago is gonna be a wild primary “ and we all laughed at her. #Uncommitted
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Reposted byAvatar Maura
Every leftists I know: It should be Kamala today fuck it I don't like her but fuck it she can win against this old fascist bitch. Every democrat with power: 16 round tournament, 3 wild card play-ins, cumulative points against total, winner determined on November 10th.
Reposted byAvatar Maura
Kamala is a strong candidate on a purely symbolic basis (i.e. the main way people vote): black Calif prosecutor v racist NY criminal, young v old, future v past, hot stylish woman versus creepy sexual predator who gets angry/disoriented when faced by hot stylish women...
Reposted byAvatar Maura
It should be Kamala Harris.
Twin Cities 💩 report. UofMn has updated their wastewater reporting site. Looks cleaner and it’s mobile friendly. Samples taken 7/16, COVID levels at 13k/L. Mean weighted average increased 48% over 1 week and 123% over 2 weeks. Be careful out there. 😷
Twin Cities 💩 Report We’re ticking up again. COVID virus copies/L at 6k, from samples taken 5/29. That’s 19% increase over 1 week, 45% over 2 weeks ago. 😷
Reposted byAvatar Maura
We learned this with RBG too. A certain generation of white people think we can't move forward without them. Instead of building resiliency and passing the torch, they are holding on to power even when it means things get worse.
The fact that Joe Biden decided to run again in 2024 is arrogant and selfish and puts a lot of people in danger. Especially when he alluded to only being a one term president. Don’t get mad at people scrambling for solutions to an issue created by the most powerful politician in the world.
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2 Black men were murdered by cops in Milwaukee during the RNC.
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israeli soldiers torture medical workers until their broken bones get infected and their eyes fall out israeli soldiers routinely shoot children in the head israel is herding people into "safe zones" and then killing their entire families with american-made bombs
‘Nothing Prepared Us for What We Saw’: Two Weeks Inside a Gaza A firsthand account of two American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of Israel’s war on Hamas.
I regret to report that I have successfully logged into work laptop and it’s working just fine. 😭
It should be Kamala Harris.
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Today I voted no on the MPD contract. Time and time again, we have seen MPD operate as if they are above the law. This contract could have been used for impactful change. In 2020, Mayor Frey blamed the MPD contract as an "nearly impenetrable barrier" to reining in a rogue dept. 🧵
Any elder care in the twin cities is 90% immigrants.
To hell with restaurants, good luck finding care for your grandma after she breaks her hip, given that something like half the staff at most care facilities are immigrants.
Mpls City Council just voted to approve the MPD Contract, 8-4.
Minneapolis Police Department. Murder multiple citizens, terrorize Black and Native folks and cost residents millions in settlements… receive record raise! 💃
More of us Joe Should Go folks need to contact Chris Hayes. And it should be Kamala.
In person, I’d say it more or less tracks polling, most favoring him stepping aside but almost everyone torn, anxious, cross-pressured and anguished. Online it’s like 90-10 he should stay.
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Israel has bombed eight schools in ten days. These words feel unreal
‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 286: Netanyahu accused of obstructing prisoner talks while Israel and PA negotiate future of Rafah crossing UNRWA reports Israel has bombed eight schools in 10 days. The Red Cross warns of “total collapse” of health care in Gaza. #Palestine #Israel
‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 286: Netanyahu accused of obstructing prisoner talks while Israel and PA negotiate future of Rafah UNRWA reports Israel has bombed eight schools in 10 days. The Red Cross warns of “total collapse” of health care in Gaza.
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Kicking myself that I didn’t get a booster this spring. I have Covid for the first time and it’s technically mild but man I’m 10 days in and the brain fog is still going strong. I’m going to get vaccinated twice a year since we’re now likely to have surges in the summer going forward.
🧪 New research in NEJM shows COVID-19 vaccination dramatically reduces long COVID risk. Analysis of 5M US records from the pandemic's first two years reveals lower long COVID rates in vaccinated individuals. 🩺🛟
Vaccines Significantly Reduce the Risk of Long Covid, Study In the first two years of the pandemic, the rate of long Covid was starkly lower among people who were vaccinated, researchers reported.
I’m looking (desperately) for some daylight between Joe and Kamala on the genocide in Gaza. She’s been a dutiful and loyal Vp, but maybe there’s some hope here: If she’s less an enthusiastic cheerleader of the genocide she’d have my vote- where Joe does not.
Harris finds herself, often, a half step further than Biden on The administration says there’s no daylight between her and the president’s Israel stances.
It’s Joever
CNN reports that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term.
Gawd remember how excited we all were when trump boarded the helicopter to the hospital in October 2020? Damn virus didn’t do us a solid then, I don’t think it will this time either.
I’ve finally captured it. My meathead of a dog purposefully pops basketballs immediately and then puts them on his head and runs around like a basketball head.
Reposted byAvatar Maura
ok folks, who we voting for in the mpls school board primary?
Anybody try this yet? It’s got 5mg thc and 5mg cbd. Do those cancel each other out? Also has a bunch of mushrooms. Taste is.. not bad compared to a lot of these bevs.
My counter programming for this evening: outside. I finally feel good enough to enjoy my jungle/garden.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel now says that FIVE Columbus police officers shot and killed the homeless Black man well outside the RNC security perimeter. Columbus Police say the shooting took place within the officers' assigned "operational zone."
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
My sweet girl is starting to get old dog face. She’s 10, we’ve got a lot of years left, but still. 😢