
i unequivocally would not be who i am without continuously learning from people older AND younger than me actively seeking out perspectives different from your own is not only informative, good, and healthy; failing to do so upholds the oppressive power dynamic of ageism that brought us here today
perhaps my most cancelable take is that intergenerational movements are good, older people and younger people have a lot to learn from each other, and the idea that people of different ages should never interact for any reason because it’s somehow always nefarious to do so is weird and bad, actually
two things i’ve learned about learning that i think may be helpful: sometimes listening to people who have made mistakes can help you adapt and make NEW mistakes instead of repeating old, boring ones people are more receptive to learning from you if you acknowledge that you can learn from them too
I am constantly learning about anarchism from people younger than me. People who are not as stuck in their beliefs as I, due to being older and more settled, am. Similarily, people like Cindy Milstein and other elders have so much knowledge due to experience and collected wisdom. Just seems logical?
Crazy shit! Almost as if there's something wrong with the world.
two of my closest friends at this point in time are boomers, one of whom has been an activist since the 60s
Yup. If you're absolutely in a bubble, you're doing yourself a huge disservice.
Having been homeschooled, I only fear people who are exactly my age.
It bothers me that people who are mindful of and on the right side of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc gleefully make sweeping generalisations about every generation other than their own. My children and their friends teach me lots, as do the generations before mine, and those in between