
people get mad when i say this, but i do in fact place significant blame on rbg for not fucking resigning when she could and should have.
first off, she was, in fact, quite racist. if you don’t believe me, go look up what she had to say about kaepernick kneeling during the anthem. second, she was more interested in retaining personal power than in doing the right thing. people romanticize her, and the hero worship is gross.
“how dare you hold it against a WOMAN for wanting to sit in a seat of power as long as she can! girlbossing is not a crime!” rbg opted not to strategically abdicate her power for the good of ALL people with uteruses, choosing to sit on the bench until she keeled over instead of enjoying retirement.
exactly! she had already had at least one cancer scare by the time Obama's second term started, she KNEW her time on this earth was limited and chose to stay in power so she could be the first to be replaced by America's first woman president. fucking gag
Well-off liberal women can be some of the biggest marks in the world. Show them a smug woman in a pantsuit and they’ll imprint like baby ducks and then fly into a rage if that woman faces any criticism
Not to mention that ANYONE who actively seeks out that kind of power over others, and then cling to it, deserve all the shit they get.
She would rather her entire judicial legacy be unraveled within a year than retire a year early. I get so made when I see “Vote Like Ruth Sent You” memes.
And people being like "well her death exposed the hypocrisy when the republicans replaced her so close to the election" as if Mitch McConnell hadn't said he'd do exactly that, while smirking the way he does, and been reported everywhere as having done so. We all already knew!