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I am a lady but I swear and talk about sex a lot and draw dirty pervert pictures so be forewarned. (she/her)
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Yesterday my sweet kitty Lexi passed away at the age of 18. I’m going to miss her so much. I’ll always love you, my little princess.
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It's pretty fucked up that, in the "movie collections" section of Letterboxd, they leave out the 2016 remake. Sorry, sad weird dudes, it still counts as part of the franchise.
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Stolen from a discord server
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forget about doritos chips & victorian urchins, 1 double shift at a waffle house would destroy any billionaire
what does he mean by “work?”
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
it's a very funny thing to be accused of "you want republicans to win" from a leadership that is constantly telling us how much they like republicans, want to work with republicans, courting republican voters,
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
more GameBoy Camera art from the Louvre: “Liberty Leading The People” by Eugène Delacroix
a series of glitch art versions of famous works, photographed in the Louvre with a GameBoy Camera. will be posting one of these a day for the next few days. first, The Death Of Marat by Jacques-Louis David
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Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
scrawny 18-year-old about to fall out of an army helicopter over tehran: this is so epic. this is totally sigma, right babe? AI e-girl operated by a balding intelligence officer in virginia: that's right baby, Iran is totally cringe
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
It's also important to remember that for the first 3-6 months the effects are reversible if you find HRT to not actually be helping you mental state. If it -is- for you, you'll know well within this window
The thing about HRT is: if you want it, you probably need it.
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Ayn Rand: oh my god... I see now how wrong I was.. Me with a time traveling xbox: they also made a second one where you can duel wield plasmids and guns but I gotta switch discs
One thing I’d like genre fiction to drop is portraying the government/military as unstoppably powerful. Aliens? Monsters? Anything out of the ordinary? The government will swoop in and cover it up no problem. I want more stories where the government can’t handle it and gets their shit rocked
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
I had no idea this was the etymology for “lord” and “lady.” #medievalsky
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A better view of the cover art for my weird queer horror hack/slash game xxxatharxyx
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Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Hear about the hyena man that's going to college? Says he's there to get more gnolledge
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Watching the best movie of all time
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bringing this here because i've had it
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Nidbat has entered the Realm of Shadow....let the journey begin! Wanted to draw Nidbat in some Elden Bling after finishing the DLC. Drip based on my STR/ FTH build's outfit. #nid-art
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
joking aside, if you voted for biden in the primary, if you shouted down people who wanted a challenge, if you've defended him and told everyone it was ableist to criticize him or mentioned his damned stutter you are personally responsible for trump's win far more than any leftist who doesn't vote
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Month 6 of no pay. New prescription diet for Sick Cat. I'm so sick of having to do this and I'm sorry. July goal is $700. First $200 most urgent for bills and transportation. $100/$700 V:@/JKNotSoBad C:$/JKNotsobad PP:@/comfortingmoo
Month 6 of no pay. New prescription diet for Sick Cat. I'm so sick of having to do this and I'm sorry. July goal is $700. First $200 most urgent for bills and transportation. $30 more for the next 2 days goal. $70/$700 V:@/JKNotSoBad C:$/JKNotsobad PP:@/comfortingmoo
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Is your problem with biden that he's old and might lose to trump or that he's a genocidal democrat because only one of those can be fixed by replacing biden on the ballot and it's not the one that actually matters
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE SPOILERS The lesson is, never trust a bishounen
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Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
I wrote about the life, not the death, of Liara Kaylee Tsai, the recently killed Minneapolis DJ, for Carbon Sound. It's a big story for a big personality and I hope you take the time for it.
Remembering the electrifying Minneapolis DJ Liara Kaylee “This is who I am, and this is the gift I bring.” Colleagues and loved ones will celebrate Tsai on Friday, July 5.
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Reposted byAvatar Sassafras
Ratfolk ranger for a ttrpg! Commission piece for Nomgoose