
people get mad when i say this, but i do in fact place significant blame on rbg for not fucking resigning when she could and should have.
first off, she was, in fact, quite racist. if you don’t believe me, go look up what she had to say about kaepernick kneeling during the anthem. second, she was more interested in retaining personal power than in doing the right thing. people romanticize her, and the hero worship is gross.
“how dare you hold it against a WOMAN for wanting to sit in a seat of power as long as she can! girlbossing is not a crime!” rbg opted not to strategically abdicate her power for the good of ALL people with uteruses, choosing to sit on the bench until she keeled over instead of enjoying retirement.
exactly! she had already had at least one cancer scare by the time Obama's second term started, she KNEW her time on this earth was limited and chose to stay in power so she could be the first to be replaced by America's first woman president. fucking gag
Well-off liberal women can be some of the biggest marks in the world. Show them a smug woman in a pantsuit and they’ll imprint like baby ducks and then fly into a rage if that woman faces any criticism
Not to mention that ANYONE who actively seeks out that kind of power over others, and then cling to it, deserve all the shit they get.
She would rather her entire judicial legacy be unraveled within a year than retire a year early. I get so made when I see “Vote Like Ruth Sent You” memes.
And people being like "well her death exposed the hypocrisy when the republicans replaced her so close to the election" as if Mitch McConnell hadn't said he'd do exactly that, while smirking the way he does, and been reported everywhere as having done so. We all already knew!
Liberal hero worship is an underrated factor in why things keep getting worse.
The corpse of Dianne Feinstein.
they didn't even blink an eye when she was on camera arguing with actual children about climate change
That was girl bossing. Fuck them kids lol
You can also look at her rulings on native American issues. She was a monster.
She also ruled that prisoners who violated contraband rules could have visitation rights permanently revoked, and other prisoners could have visitation severely curtailed for no reason (other than prison overcrowding).
Lost all respect for her when I learned she was best friends with Scalia No principles whatsoever
Which made that "Notorious R.B.G." merch all the more frustrating...
you KNOW whoever came up with that had zero idea who biggie was.
Same with nearly everyone I saw wearing that shit. (And if they knew, they probably just got white-girl-wasted to HYPNOTIZE at the trendiest suburban bar on a friday night)
Oh she fucking *hated* BIPOC.
Imagine carrying a "Notorious RBG" tote bag. Couldn't be me. She's disgusting. What good is a pioneer with such a shit legacy, plus FUCK the Supreme Court anydamnway.
She didn’t even accomplish much in the court. The worship was for her dissents, which are worthless.
I don't think she ended up having any black clerks
yes! thank you for articulating this so clearly 🙏
well the flip side is that now her entire legacy is the right-wing supermajority
yeah agreed (obviously), but i actually AM concerned that the hero worship culture around her not only ignores that, but also puts us at collective risk of being incapable of learning from it.
And lets also not forget liberal fave Sandra Day O'Connor who was the deciding vote to appoint George W. Bush president. Then, rather than wait until a Democrat could replace her, retired in good health to "care for her husband" allowing Alito to take her seat and wipe out her legacy.
i grew up hearing how wonderful susan b anthony was in fighting for women but really she just wanted to climb over Black people to get rights for white women
I mean just imagine how far we would have progressed if people weren't so inclined to shove another group down in order to rise
Under what brain rot was O’Connor a liberal fave? She was appointed by Reagan. She voted with that conservatives on the court. She was at best a swing vote- sometimes. She upheld abortion restrictions, put Bush in office, upheld racist gerrymanders, attacked affirmative action.
She wanted to be replaced by a Republican. And she was so deeply partisan that she was crying on election night when it looked like Gore might win bc if he did she would have to serve another term before retiring. She’d rather be away from her sick husband than let a Democrat chose her replacement.
Yep. Biden made the same mistake in standing for reelection. I say “standing” because it doesn’t feel like an energetic enough campaign to call it “running”. So, once again, all we can do is hope there’s juuust enough juice left to stagger across the finish line before finally giving up the ghost.
Who gets mad at you for that? Someone who doesn’t understand that old sick people can die at any moment? What a bunch of weirdos.
Basically the only thing she ever did positive was support Roe v Wade, and even then if I recall she didn't like it.
fwiw, she only didn't like Roe bc she (correctly) believed it wasn't strong enough
ah, I vaguely remembered it as thinking abortion is bad
iirc, she believed protecting abortion under gender equality would have been better than the right to privacy
Fucked up that America considers property law the most important thing.
extreme same. at least retire before you decide to start officiating covid super spreader events.
By way of comparison, here in Canada, Supreme Court Justices serve limited terms, and can be removed. "Justices hold office until age 75, during good behaviour. They are removable by the Governor General on address of the Canadian Senate and House of Commons."
List of justices of the Supreme Court of Canada -
One could say the same right now for Sotomayor and Kagan in their mid to late 60s. If Biden put in 2 40-year-olds right now there wouldn't be much chance of them being replaced during the next few administrations.
i mean, rbg was in her late 80s and full of cancer, on a court that held a democratic majority. so, actually no?
It's Democratic political malpractice. Almost as bad as forcing a deeply unpopular presidential candidate because of a lifetime of political favors and all the corrupt money in the world. (Or the Blue 'Murican half, at least)
Democratic majority? The court hasn't had a democratic majority since 1969.