Elspeth Cooper

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Elspeth Cooper


Fantasy writer (THE WILD HUNT QUARTET). Sword owner. Tea drinker. Cat slave (retired). MS-haver. Damned scribbling woman. She/her. Find me at www.elspethcooper.com.
This menopause thing can get in the sea. That is all.
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Humans make art for fun, to communicate, to have a conversation, to prove a point, to relieve emotional pressure, to celebrate, to mourn, to share, to share, to share the sheer bonkers experience of being…human.
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Time for a news round-up. Specifically, short fiction, since the second half of this year will see a whole lot of new stories I’ve written coming out with different publishers. #Booksky Full details on the blog. Signal boosts very much appreciated. www.julietemckenna.com/a-slew-of-my...
A slew of my shorter fiction coming your waywww.julietemckenna.com With one of those quirks of timing the book trade comes up with, the second half of this year will see a whole lot of new short stories I’ve written coming out with different publishers. First up, …
The house over the road has been bought as a bit of a project. It not even 11am and there's already a chainsaw, a woodchipper and a cement mixer going concurrently, with backing vocals by a petrol strimmer. On the upside, it does at least drown out the builders' radio.
Supplies laid in for later. Expect even less sense from me than usual.
Good morning, skyfarers, and happy Tory Annihilation Day to all who celebrate #GTTO
Place your bets, ladies and gentlebeings, faites vos jeux: how long is it going to take to get through to my GP surgery this morning? *spins wheel*
I cannot count the number of books I've bought because someone other than the author raved about them - including the Memoirs of Lady Trent!
A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
I am trying to write today but my brain is all "What is words? How to book pls?"
Busy writing, and just spotted the following typo: "He wore a shapeless cat of indeterminate colour" which delighted me on several levels, but alas, it's not that kind of book #AmWriting #TheDragonHouse
I'm so old I played my first computer game via an acoustic coupler.
I'm so old I remember loading games onto computers with a tape recorder before there even was a public internet.
So I cannot use my expired passport to prove my ID on a govt website, but I can prove my ID to renew my passport with . . . *checks notes* my expired passport. Okay then.
As I am staring down the gullet of A Certain Age, I thought I'd get a State Pension forecast, and the govt won't validate me without I produce either a driving licence or a valid passport, of which I have neither. I guess I am an unperson now.
Just wrote and deleted a post about how tired and grumpy I am (yay MS heat intolerance) because I am not quite tired and grumpy enough to get over my quintessentially British "musn't grumble"-ness and Be Vulnerable In Public. I'm probably going to end up deleting this one too, aren't I?
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As I am staring down the gullet of A Certain Age, I thought I'd get a State Pension forecast, and the govt won't validate me without I produce either a driving licence or a valid passport, of which I have neither. I guess I am an unperson now.
We're big re-watchers here, if we enjoy a show we buy the box-set. Off the top of my head: Person of Interest, House, 24, Life, The Mentalist, Due South, Gilmore Girls, Fringe, Warehouse 13, White Collar, Castle, Vegas (2012)
What TV series have you watched all the way through more than three times?
So apparently falls are like buses: nothing for ages and then two come along at once. And like a complete twerp I've managed to bash my right arm, and I'm right-handed, so you can imagine how well that's working out. What a waste of a nice sunny weekend, ffs.
People who still have/read paper books: how do you organise your bookshelves? Do you have a system, or are you a complete barbarian like me? Latest post: elspethcooper.com/archives/3231 💙📚
How do you like yours? – Elspeth Cooperelspethcooper.com
BlueSky, meet Woody. Recently widowed (we suspect the sparrowhawk or a no.11 bus) Woody mooches around the garden like Darby missing his Joan. Every day he sits atop their tree, vigorously defending it against all comers, rain or shine. Patiently waiting for her to come back. 😭
One stop away, says the courier tracking map. A white van pulls up at the gate, so I go to the door. The driver gets out, goes in the back of the van, clatters about, then gets back in the driver's seat and DRIVES AWAY. 1/2
You can tell a lot about a person by these categories: Eggs: never, for they are of the devil. Steak: I'd rather have chicken. Milk: 2% Alcohol: rarely (wine or prosecco). Warm drink: tea (decaf these days).
You can tell a lot about a person by these categories: Eggs: Pretty much any and every. Steak: Pork (I'm a terrible Jew. Also not much of a steak person) Milk: Vanilla soy Alcohol: none Warm Drink: Flat white, cappuccino, or genmaicha
Killing another darling. Part of me is all "NOOOooo..." but the better part knows this beloved scene doesn't fit any more & again, I've spent too long trying to save it when I should've just accepted the inevitable. You would think I'd've got better at not doing that, but here we are. #AmWriting
I read this series in 2020 and ever since I have been recommending it wherever I go. This is warlords and warrior-priestesses, in a near-east/Silk Road setting of tales within tales, rich with magics and myth. Utterly compelling.
Well, yesterday I finished reading Gods of Nabban in my Gods of the Caravan Road reread and I am in awe. Seriously. Going to quash my Inner Calvinist and do some barbaric boasting and say, epic fantasy reader? You need to read these books. Yes, I wrote them. www.kvj.ca/series-carav...
K.V. Johansen | Gods of the Caravan Roadwww.kvj.ca Books in the epic fantasy series Gods of the Caravan Road by K.V. Johansen
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Um, it's now 27. Pretty much everything I've read off the TBR pile that has sequels is now on the list. Oh dear. 💙📚
Is it a bad thing to be in the middle of 19 different book series all at once? Asking for a friend. 💙📚
If you're planning to downsize to an apartment because you can't manage a garden any more, is it wrong to be browsing for new plants to buy? Asking for me 😟