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Librarian, Knitter, Nerd
Oh look. The next episode of Voyager is “Threshold.” I think I’m just going to skip this one.
Finished my rewatch of Deep Space Nine. Bawled. For some reason Sisko and Jake’s relationship affects me even more now that my mom is in her mid 70s and I wonder how much time left with her I have.
I have discovered that I hate curriculum mapping.
Just finished. Much better than her last book and more of a return to form. Reminded me of Rachel Hawkin’s Reckless Girls.
If you had told me when DS9 originally aired that Nog would experience the most character growth and would end up being one of my favorite characters I would have not believed you. It is a testament Aron Eisenburg’s acting skill.
I bought this after I started season 7 of Deep Space Nine. Vic Fontaine forever!
When I did my Star Trek film rewatch I didn’t watch the Director’s Cut of Star Trek the Motion Picture. The redesigned Klingons look like they had braided pretzels glued to their heads, and I just noticed that they all have monk hair cuts and the ridges go all the way down the back of their heads.
Starting season 7 of my Deep Space nine rewatch. I’m still salty that they didn’t include Terry Farrell in the montage of all the actors in the season finale.
@qpheevr.bsky.social at the American Library Association and this was flashed up on a screen during a presentation on AI.
I’m flying to San Diego and a woman in the bathroom at the sink soaped up her hands, unbuttoned her pants and washed her vagina in front of everyone. Then she grabbed some paper towels to dry off.
STOP THE PRESSES. The original Dragon Quest (Warrior) is available to download on iOS and Android. Excuse me while I travel back to the 80s.
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The idea of “PhD level intelligence” is very funny to me, personally, because I have worked with scientists for 20 years. I know someone who has helped find treatments for diseases we didn’t even think were possible and also struggled to understand how the hot tap of a water cooler worked.
Having now seen all of the movies, would rank Star Trek Nemesis above Star Trek V. Barely.
All I have to say is that I’m so glad Star Trek Nemesis is not the last time we see the Enterprise crew together. Ooof.
Finishing Star Trek Nemesis and … my dude. The Remans look like something out of a bad Dracula film. And do we really need the Captain, the security chief, the former first officer, and the new first officer beaming into a precarious situation? With Romulans? And Shinzon? All I can think is
Being of pure southern stock, it may surprise many that I LOVE pastrami on rye with Swiss cheese. My grandfather made sandwiches like this when I was growing up. I bought the ingredients and eating one is transporting me back to my childhood when I was loved and cherished.
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Contacted a friend who rescues angry feral cats, she recommended this hand gesture, which they call the Llama of Friendship It may mimic non-threatening inquisitive cat ears, but regardless of the mechanism I have learned I will not be attacked as long as one hand is llama-shaped
Reposted byAvatar elwhite
Star Trek Nemesis has lost me with the dune buggy scene. And there is still a lot of movie left. And don’t get me started on Romulans and Remans.
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Hello! It's Juneteenth. It was made a federal holiday in 2021, and commemorates the end of slavery in the US. You can read about it here. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junetee...
Juneteenth - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
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Wired magazine, March 2008: They decided to have a little fun in this issue by writing a story imagining what the 2024 presidential election would be like. (Reality has turned out to be so much stupider than they imagined…)
Anyone else buy books when they’re stressed or is that just me?
Time to watch Star Trek: Nemesis. I’ve never seen it because the reviews were so bad. Will it beat out Star Trek V as the worst? We’ll see.
Remember when novelizations were published when most blockbusters in the 90s? I wonder why they stopped doing that.
I’ve gotten to Star Trek: Insurrection. I think I would rank this below Generations, but barely.
Reposted byAvatar elwhite
This is so freaking horrific when your elderly, legally blind mother cannot ever save to the right folder and then can’t find where she saved things, and everyone always says “oh no there’s a setting to change that” and you change it and IT DOESN’T MATTER, THE SETTING IS A LIIIIIIEEEEE
The last time I watched Star Trek V , I remember it being horrible. This must have been 15-20 years ago. It is even worse that I remembered. The humor is so lame and over the top, and the story makes no sense.