Kevin Bird

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Kevin Bird

NSF post doc at UC Davis | genomes & evolution | science & society | opinions mine
sir that's my emotional support inefficient for-loop
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Huge mistake not to have put this guy in cuffs after he participated in Jan 6.
Sen. Josh @HawleyMO: "Some will say now that I am calling America a Christian Nation. So I am. And some will say that I am advocating Christian Nationalism. And so I do." Christian nationalism is fascism and Nazism as politics-and hawley is a proud fascist.
While not the most pressing aspect, this ideological assumption underlies all the research about biological/genetic underpinnings of crime as well and that work unfortunately hasn’t stopped since the likes of Lombroso. The white supremacist Charles Johnson has a consumer genetics start-up doing this
This is the entire view of the right and one they’re pushing out tons of propaganda about. It’s why we get 10,000 stories of people shoplifting from Walgreens and nothing about tax cheats even though it involves multitudes more money. They want to define crime as existing entirely within the poor
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
This is the entire view of the right and one they’re pushing out tons of propaganda about. It’s why we get 10,000 stories of people shoplifting from Walgreens and nothing about tax cheats even though it involves multitudes more money. They want to define crime as existing entirely within the poor
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Of course it's being coordinated. That's what the Federalist Society *is*. It's a conspiracy against Americans' freedom, self governance and the rule of law and it's winning
It beggars belief that this is not all being coordinated in some way.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
Everyone who says this is better than Michigan winters is a liar or unwell
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Four years ago, Psychological Science published a paper which used a ludicrously poor quality dataset. That paper was retracted, partly in order to avoid “prolonging the use” of the data but the dataset still thrives in the academic literature. Read our article & 🧵 for examples
Journals that published Richard Lynn's racist 'research' articles should retract Richard Lynn's work has been repeatedly condemned for using flawed methodology and deceptively collated data to support racism. It's past time to retract the studies.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Corruption Guys rule corruption good.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Far be it from me to compliment the Times' political section, but this is a good baseline to send to friends who are lovable morons, vaingloriously checked out, recently awoke from a snakebite-induced coma, or have spent the last half-decade on a well-deserved bender.
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
There’s a common story that, loosely speaking, the replication crisis occurs when publication bias and questionable research practices fill the literature with false positives. That story motivates a lot of science reform efforts — and it’s wrong. A thread on our new preprint:
The replication crisis is often described as a crisis of false positives, but is it? In our (re)new(ed) preprint, we show that false positives do not explain the replication crisis, and that varying rep. rates are often explained by replication sample size. #metascience
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
two guys enjoying the window
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Huge story on Israeli campaign to punish BDS protesters in America, distort campus politics. “None of the groups identified in this story’s reporting have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara).”
Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza As the Gaza war rages, Israeli funds target US college campuses and push to redefine antisemitism in US law
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
If you’re a college administrator, your only response to these kinds of bad faith complaints should be to tell them to go pound sand.
Hardly the first evidence of this but Columbia has gone completely ‘round the bend. They put three deans on suspension because some creep from the Free Beacon looked over their shoulders and saw them writing snarky texts?!? You do not take orders from these people!
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Richard Lynn was a pillar of 20th-century scientific racism. His magnum opus was a database of "national IQs", a menagerie of unrepresentative IQ studies with no explicit criteria for inclusion except that the results show a low IQ for Africans. This should be an open-and-shut case for retraction.
Journals that published Richard Lynn's racist 'research' articles should retract Richard Lynn's work has been repeatedly condemned for using flawed methodology and deceptively collated data to support racism. It's past time to retract the studies.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Hi! The Onion is bringing back our Writing Fellowship. The fellowship has produced some of the biggest names in comedy, at The Onion and elsewhere. It was a casualty private equity. We are reviving it. The program is six months long and includes health insurance.
The Onion Fellowship at The Onion
Richard Lynn was a pillar of 20th-century scientific racism. His magnum opus was a database of "national IQs", a menagerie of unrepresentative IQ studies with no explicit criteria for inclusion except that the results show a low IQ for Africans. This should be an open-and-shut case for retraction.
Journals that published Richard Lynn's racist 'research' articles should retract Richard Lynn's work has been repeatedly condemned for using flawed methodology and deceptively collated data to support racism. It's past time to retract the studies.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
my view on these things is fairly dismal to start but the real story of the datasets behind the Bell Curve managed to slither under my considerably low expectations. very good article here detailing all the specifics
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Lynn's "national IQ" dataset is egregiously flawed; he never described methods for its construction & there is evidence the dataset is systematically biased. Journals should retract papers which have used the data, yet are reluctant to do so, as our piece describes👇
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
White Americans support integrated schools in the abstract but many oppose every method of actually achieving that outcome
The new Jim Crow swears he's not racist. It's just that Black people have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps to get their kids into better schools
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
deeply troubled by stuff keeping people alive, that is my brand now
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Apparently people have strong feelings about Stonehenge
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Bird
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.