
Had we listened to Anita Hill, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to the women sexually abused by Trump, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to Christine Blasey Ford, we wouldn't be here today.
And I've reached the point where I, too, believe RBG ultimately failed the country she served so well for so long—yet it is DAMN telling that people are only too happy to lay the blame for what our white supremacist patriarchy has wrought at the feet of that one (1) woman.
Anthony Kennedy literally did everything people are angry with RBG about and did it all intentionally.
That’s because Anthony Kennedy was on the other side.
Why would I be angry at someone who did exactly what he believed in and what his party wanted him to do? RBG is the one who pretended to be a hero for certain causes then sacrificed women's rights for a few more years of fame and spotlight.
now they want sotomayor to retire. i’m like. 🔪
Well yeah. We learned from Genesis that it's always the woman's fault. (realizing the point of the garden of eden was to lay all blame on women was a true epiphany)
My favorite interpretation of it is still from a German medieval rock song where on of their children blames Adam for it and blames him for his original sin
I mean, it's also Ralph Nader's fault.
Right??? This is fucking exhausting.
Agree. And I resent that political maneuvering outweighs common sense, in fact prevents us from developing a common – shared – sense that includes all citizens and it’s not weighted toward corporate co-opting of citizenship.
I’m old enough to remember when it was all HRC’s fault. Same song, different verse
The decision was 6-3. It wouldn’t even have mattered.