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Mad Cat Lady in training.
Reposted byAvatar Em
Continuum is less than 2 weeks away, and we have finalised our ConCrud policy. In short: Masks will be worn at all times, unless you have a valid reason. Masks will be provided free to all members, but you can wear your own. Details: continuum.org.au/code-of-cond...
Reposted byAvatar Em
I thought you had several excellent cat haikus. OH OH THAT REMINDS ME HAVE YOU SEEN THIS IT IS BRILLIANT!
Reposted byAvatar Em
Ouch! Foot cramp! Foot cramp! Foot cramp! I just need to straighten my toes, but foot cramp!
Reposted byAvatar Em
Cartoon: Thank you, Elmo. With credit to @kcg.bsky.social for their original meme that continues to inspire.
I want to make pork dumplings, so I went looking for a press to speed up crimping, which led to looking for a wrapper recipie, which led to spending $250 on a pasta attachment for my mixer and all the ingredients for Danish pastry. I think my ADHD med levels are still coming back up to speed.
Reposted byAvatar Em
I was going to excavate/tidy/declutter my study this morning, but first I decided to sit on the couch while I have my coffee, and I might as well play a little game on my phone while I'm not doing anything else, and, well...
Reposted byAvatar Em
i'm sorry to say this but if you send me a tiktok of a person telling a story into the camera for 3 minutes i'm not fucking watching it. just in general ever. people need to start typing things up again because i can read so much faster than you can talk and i'm not wasting my precious time on this
End of feed.