
I keep coming back to the passage of Washington's Farewell Address in which Roberts cloaked his bid for authoritarianism. Roberts took a passage warning against corruption, foreign influence, insurrection, and authoritarianism, & said, "sign me up!"
See Shelby County: "The part of the 15th Amendment - Section 2 - that says the Congress shall have the power to enforce this by appropriate legislation? That means Congress does not have the power to enforce this by appropriate legislation." Transcendent shamelessness.
I mean, they both hated black people, they both steered government policy to enrich their friends at the expense of the American people, they both instigated rebellion while neck deep in shady real estate deals, tho only Washington actually marched an army to crush protestors
I think we do away with political parties. Want to run for office? Fine, run on your vision, your policies, your solutions to problems, your record, your character as an individual. Do away with PACs. Like the person running? Donate directly to them.
I’m a big fan of Biden exercising his new powers. The court will act quickly to limit them when a liberal president acts.
Ideally, that would be prevented by the future 3-1 ruling that says Biden was perfectly within his rights as POTUS to take out 5 Supreme Court justices.
Appointing Supreme Court justices is a core presidential power in the constitution. I don’t think it should matter how the vacancy occurred.
The power to appoint implies the power to unappoint.
I'm sorry, due to recent changes in the legal market we've decided to downsize the court and your services are no longer required.
“Due to legitimate concerns about domestic terrorism, I ordered the Air Force to bomb the Federalist Society annual meeting.”
I'd be chuffed if he simply fired Louis DeJoy. There were too many claiming this cannot be done.