William Glennon

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William Glennon


Retired teacher of languages, mostly dead (the languages, not the teacher...)

SW Maine - pronouns hic/ille/is/αύτος

DM via Signal: wfxglennon.30
📸 Unknown 🔗 https://redd.it/w04nk1
- Other day I went over to the Museum of Science. - How was it? - Well it was the fucking Museum of Science, so how the fuck do you think it was? It was superlative. It was a testament to our region’s proud tradition of rational inquiry.
If Bostonians Loved Other Local Institutions the Way They Love Their Local Sports Franchiseswww.mcsweeneys.net — Hear that new one from the BSO? — Shit, yeah, that Brahms? That one knocked me square on my ass. Even more so than the Shostakovich. Pardon m...
96% totality. Pine trees doing their thing as promised
The worst interview question remains “why are you interested in this position?” “Because earning currency that can be exchanged for goods, food, and shelter is my passion, motherfucker.”
Banshees of Inisherin makes reference to one of the most terrifying monsters in Irish culture, a guy who keeps talking about his feelings
Meme Mittwoch ihr Süßen und euch einen cuten Morgen!
Gimme Magritte, boys, and free my soul / Ceci n’est pas une rock ‘n’ roll / Green apple face
Okay, then. I’ll act as soon as the TJ’s union gives the word. 🪧
Trader Joe’s United said it’s *not* calling for a customer boycott at this time in response to the company arguing the NLRB is unconstitutional. But they *are* asking people to sign a customer strike pledge if they call for a boycott in the future. Sign here: actionnetwork.org/forms/stand-...
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” That's the only thing that ever made this country great, and we have turned our backs on it.
Two kids drowned in the Rio Grande, ages 8 and 10. Families with kids are picking their way through razor wire to get here. There’s a reason the moral angle is downplayed.
End of feed.