
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
Too bad Democrats didn't put a contender that year
Hmmm. So it’s anyone eligible to vote’s fault.
Why not? Republicans had house and senate and people voted for those people. And people voted for Trump and not enough people voted against them.
I think it was more complicated than that. Y'all trot out these two ancient white rich assholes and say these are your glorious leaders that you picked yourselves from amongst your communities and lol the fuck stop putting words in my mouth
If you want to Dean Phillips you should’ve voted for him 2024. He was young. He ran. It’s more than I can say for most people.
I had shift work fooh with what I should have done between making rent and trying to stay alive
My district was lost in 2010 and we literally only have to put a ballot in the mail.
I am sincerely only in the mood to say it was my own damn fault for not convincing enough people to vote against Republicans
It's the Democratic party's fault for being unworkably corrupt. ABANDON SHIP
The Democratic Party is anybody who votes for Democrats.
That's one way to explain it to a child, I suppose
I’m sorry you think the DNC is some all powerful force when they didn’t even back the Democrat who won in my district in 2022. And they did back several democrats who lost
There are so many weird extra layers to our "democracy" where elites inject their preferences. If you want to pretend those doddering old assholes were America's Choice in any kind of meaningful way then I would suggest your thoughts on the workings of the system be ignored.
The main layer is having more than one option at all, and then after that, voting for the less bad option. If people had voted for the less bad option, we wouldn’t have a right wing court.
Senate and house is still voted for on regional popularity.
Senate is the House of Lords and the media is controlled by the same billionaires that own the parties. They *hate* something organic like tiktok so what's happening to tiktok?
2 choices is the most minimally credible the system could be, and it's always 2 choices, and never well differentiated ones, as much as psyops have informed you otherwise