
I started putting a checkmark next to the ones that fit me but then realised it would be easier to just cross out the ones that didn't. QT RT with your own! (Original here
Hilariously most of the ones I would cross off are in the gifted section. I guess I just got the boring flavor of ADHD and autism lol!
Honestly I'm not the fond of the concept of Giftedness, I've always felt like it's about valuing certain skills over others equally important skills (...which I largely lack lol)
I think I’ve got all the gifted ones, but I’ve never felt so at home as I did in gifted classes. The teachers were trained differently than even the ones in honors classes at a magnet high school I tried for a year and a half. There was a wide range of skills in my cohorts, but ymmv.
We didn't really have gifted classes in the 90s in Spain. The school counsellor had me do an IQ test (which wasn't even for my age group but for kids 2 years older), was like 'huh, this kid seems gifted. We better not tell them or it'll get to their head!' and that was it.
I often wonder if I would have fared better or worse if my school had been more competent about *gestures vaguely at themselves*
We don't really have those here either except for wealthy peeps Glad i was never put there, i was a Mensa member for a couple of years, which instilled in me that the worth of intelligence might be highly overrated
I am really lucky the program existed and my parents were told how to get me into it. It was imperfect, even after parish wide testing there weren’t enough Black kids in it, but it was really good for me and lots of others. It was also hard to get kicked out- you had to get below a C average a while
So there were plenty of kids who were “underachievers,” and probably many undiagnosed ADHD as well as undiagnosed autistic, but I don’t remember teachers being jerks about it. They’d trained to teach weird, smart kids, and that’s a spectrum.
My understanding is 'gifted' started as a euphemism for a pattern they spotted where certain kids would either drop out or fail classes a lot while clearly understanding the subjects or even testing as ahead of their peers. So they started gifted or TaG programs that tried to keep them in school
Maybe. In my elementary school GATE (gifted and talented education) was basically for kids that tested high on tests or otherwise were identified by their teachers as exceptionally smart. My very high achieving siblings were in it. They had zero indication of dropping out or failing.
Interesting, did a quick search lest I accidentally deceive anyone. Looks like it didn't actually start out just because the concerns raised in the 1972 Marland report like I thought. Looks like there's a heavy amount of Cold War stuff in its origins too.