
It truly is very funny to see her pick a very public, very aggressive fight with one of the most widely beloved celebrities in the entire UK who also has a deeply personal, compelling stake in trans rights via his child who he supports wholeheartedly. It's nice to see something she's gonna lose
I just can't imagine having this level of poster's madness when I can afford to get a massage and eat caviar every day
I'm not someone who believes that wealth and fame would get me to stop posting, I'm self aware enough for that but damn you'd think she could afford a pottery class or anything else to do
It's a sort of backlash, they get used to being praised for whatever they say and just lose their minds when they say something they AREN'T praised for
There really are a lot of of millionaires and billionaires that just enjoy their lives of infinite travel, sex, gourmet food, and excitement. You just, by definition, hear nothing about them.
Literally this woman could do anything she likes and she chooses to spend her time persecuting a tiny minority of people It’s so hard for me to wrap my head around it
She’s so angry she couldn’t transition as a teen
I sometimes think of how she could've retired to a giant castle with acres of pristine land and still been beloved for the rest of her life. Instead, she's sold out her entire legacy by pandering to the worst people in the world, despite having all the resources in the world to know better.
Imagining this kind of person with these priorities is insanity making if you think about it too much
Because she is and always was a very nasty cow! This is who she is🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡 just because she wrote some stupid books does not make her a good human being…