
Rob Cruickshank
Rob Cruickshank
Technician/artist. Googly-eye enthusiast. Several kinds of nerd. Unusual skill set. Toronto, Ontario. he/him.
Idealistic Pragmatist
Idealistic Pragmatist
Canadian by choice.📍HFX & YEG. Leftie. Foodie. Queer. Multilingual. Bike person but pedestrian at heart. International in outlook. Social scientist by trade. Household = me, partner, two cats. Embracer of reality in an anti-reality world since early 2022.
Social justice, science, climate & equality.
Stand up for democracy!
Here for latest COVID info
💖 Bewitched ✨
Random acts of kindness 🗝 to happiness
Mel Torme, Jamiroquai, Monkey House, Harry Connick Jr, Cake
Ceraunophile. She/her.
Canada Healthwatch 🍁
Canada Healthwatch 🍁
Canada's health news aggregator.
The most important health news, in one place.



@CanHealthwatch over at the bad place
Doug Ford's Kryptonite
Doug Ford's Kryptonite
Get Ford out. Film & Shame Ontario PC MPPs in public. Send in your vids to be featured. Be Ezra Levant annoying.

Stephen Harper’s CPC & IDU are undermining democracy in 🇨🇦 #cdnpoli #onpoli

Follow 4 Follow. Screenshot, Repost and share.
Erin 🍍
Erin 🍍
Raylan Given's hat
Matt Blair
Matt Blair
Parent and public servant in Toronto, Canada.
Elsewhere at
Bluesky of a Yogi
Bluesky of a Yogi
Jordan Roberts
Jordan Roberts
Reader, writer, Greek chorus. At the intersection of media, government and corruption.
Dave M, Prole 4th class.
Dave M, Prole 4th class.
On Gunditjmara land. Old very private leftie (both handed and politically). Boringly straight. Ex programmer. Taoist. Cancer survivor so far. Now on a farm. Gender is not genitalia, and neither of them has anything to do with sexuality.🌈
Evan Kate
Evan Kate
Mommy helper
Cat photography
Cat photography
Post random cat contents and cat on demand ! 😺❤️
Jeffrey Conner
Jeffrey Conner
I'm marine engineer at diamond offshore drilling Inc. I have a passion for learning and exploring new things, especially in the fields of engineering and music. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, painting, and playing on the piano.
Deral Fenderson
Deral Fenderson
Weirdo artist/musician…producer of weird radio on WUVT FM 90.7, Blacksburg VA (THE DONCAST with Don “The Don” Rastberger)… Disabled & Immunocompromised…semi-licensed shit poster…KIND…Neurodivergent AF…They/Them… Dig pro wrasslin’
Mike Johansen
Mike Johansen
Primary Care doc, long-time learner with residents, #HSR, #MEPS research.
Kim Crawley (she/her) 😷🍉
Kim Crawley (she/her) 😷🍉
Cybersecurity writer, teacher at OPIT. Previously AT&T, BlackBerry, Hack The Box.

New books!

Hacker Culture: A to Z, O'Reilly

Cloud Penetration Testing, Packt
David Davies-Payne
David Davies-Payne
Paediatric Radiologist, Aotearoa/New Zealand
#MECFS #LongCovid #POTS

and Dysimmune Research NZ
Proud grand mom, still Covid-ing, masking and vaxing, pissed off, pro-mask, pro-vac, pro-science, pro-choice, and support LGBLT . Live in the beautiful Niagara region of Ontario. 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉🇨🇦she/her. #WeNotMe #COVIDISAIRBORNE
Covid is not a cold, masking is praxis, let's take care of each other 😷


reading (speculative fiction, philosophy) | gaming (video, board) | listening (metal, podcasts from the left)
Risky Girl
Risky Girl
no more questions, no more answers
Phav Nosnibor
Phav Nosnibor
Purveyor of fine whiteboard drawings and cut-price noise.
My IRL friends call me Chris
My IRL friends call me Chris
Mostly #OnHealth. Gardener. Former flack. Fluent in spin. I media scan, therefore I am. Mister Rogers/Mary Oliver stan. Born at 326 ppm. Old married broad. Mom. Dogs' person. Canadian. she/her #BlackLivesMatter #YNWA
Dan Isaacs (Kelce's Version)
Dan Isaacs (Kelce's Version)
I do cloud things. I like taking photos of other worlds. I mostly post toddler or pet photos. Occasionally, informed political takes. I ❤️ CFB.
Dan Davis
Dan Davis
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

Ex-art/photography teacher, linguist, software/enterprise architect. Right-now luthier, woodworker, would-be teller of tales, and occasional oil painter.
John D Stanway
John D Stanway
Very bland Toronto resident. Recipient of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, 1990.
Amanda Friedman
Amanda Friedman
Bridgy Fed for the fediverse
Bridgy Fed for the fediverse
Bridgy Fed ( bot user for the fediverse. To bridge your Bluesky account to the fediverse, follow this account. More info:
Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hansen
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty; I'm that Jungian thing...

$TSLAQ card carrying member

PSA: Elon Musk is a dumb persons idea of a smart person…

Evelyn Beatrice Hall fan
Multidisciplinerdy. Lit & language geek, Comp Sci PhD (AI), teacher of many subjects. Jack of all trades. Jewish hillbilly. 🏳️‍🌈 queer nonbinary she/her/elle. @ewinnz on Threads/Instagram.