
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
The people pointing out that nobody can do anything unless Biden decides for himself to step aside are 100% correct. That's the problem.
Other wealthy democracies: Bad leader? Have a vote of no confidence and toss them out. U.S.: You're stuck with this guy for at least four years no matter what. It's called freedom.
I'm not sure he'd lose this confidence vote, not least of all because all the people voting see him around regularly and know Thursday night was an aberration. (People who consume politics content all day *should* also know this, but I digress)
You sound like MAGA. You refuse to see what's right in your face. 🤦‍♂️
I dunno man, I saw the speech the speech he gave the day after. One of us is certainly ignoring the full breadth of evidence, I'll admit
Reading a teleprompter isn't the same as thinking on your feet which is a pretty important skill. Apropos of nothing, what time of day was that speech?
I've seen people talk about how sharp he is behind the scenes but we don't see that. Show it! Use a hidden camera or something. "Trust me bro" ain't gonna cut the mustard.
Public footage exists, like the interview Jon Katz published, but, as with this example, I believe you're gonna be hard-pressed to find footage of him *obviously appearing* sharp — the substance of the interaction is totally normal, but he definitely sounds diminished.
My interview with the Biden: 'I have made very clear to the Israelis what they have to do in the near term. [And] if they don't, what's going to happen.'
Right, but during the debate, the moments when he was sharp we’re when he was responding to things and speaking off the cuff. He was sluggish during the prepared statements. He may have Al Gore Syndrome, but no one familiar with dementia thinks he has it. He’s just an old man with a cold.
If you needed a lawyer to represent you in court would you choose either of these men?
His voice sounded terrible & the strategy of relying on numbers was a mistake. How do explain that Biden gained energy as the night went on? Did you watch the whole debate?