Erik E Erik

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Erik E Erik

Silent films, foreign action films, soccer/fútbol and vinyl enthusiast. Public education employee, Minneapolis dad.
Just watched The Iron Claw, and as an 80s Ric Flair stan, it is astounding that they could not cast a professional *actor* to cut a promo with the same level of charisma and personality as Flair himself. Not cutting on the actor, just that Flair in the 80s was in another plane of existence.
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Reposted byAvatar Erik E Erik
Two years is too much of a break for serialized TV I can remember the Top 3 main plot points from The Boys, but am basically lost on all supporting characters and details about them.
I know people are picking on Cybertrucks for how weird they look, but until you actually see one in the wild, next to normal cars with rational, logical designs, you are not prepared for just how weird Cybertrucks actually look.
With the benefit of LP-size artwork, I can confirm the rumor, as Springsteen is *definitely* pissing on the flag. Look at that right arm placement!!
No way England gets out of this with a clean sheet #srbeng
Mitrovic out and Serbia is down by one? What!? Was that the Saudi league factor? #srbeng
If England can’t bring Jack Grealish, they’ll have Bellingham carry the ball and get clattered 10 times before half in his place. #srbeng
Love the Lightning Seeds reference for It’s Coming Home, but I’m always going to be a Pure guy #srbeng
Lethal at the front, comical at the back for England so far. #srbeng
There are announcers like Graeme Le Saux who have the cadence and intonation of a sports broadcaster, where I am surprised he had a successful soccer career, and there are announcers like Landon Donovan who, yep, that sounds like a retired athlete.
My previous pair of walking shoes were wearing out after a few million steps so I went out and bought a new pair of shoes: same size and brand and color, since the last pair worked so well.
Welcome to the Annual Most Dad* Thing You Did In The Last Year Thread. Per tradition, I will lead off: I bought a mitre saw almost entirely because it was on sale, and now I will find the thinnest excuse to incorporate it into any home project. *You need not have kids or identify as male to Dad.
Poland coaches apparently not on bsky
Wout Weghurst has entered the game. I repeat: Wout Weghurst has entered the game #polned
Wout Weghurst has entered the game. I repeat: Wout Weghurst has entered the game #polned
cachivache - Spanish for ‘junk’ but, at least in the southern cone, I hear it for more specifically like ‘clutter’. And it’s a blast to pronounce.
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
Having the self-knowledge that I know I’ll feel guilty about neglecting housework and watching the Euros for four hours in the afternoon, so I do all my tasks in the morning and then get so tired I take a nap and miss an entire game.
You click on one wrestling video, and then they simply assume you like wrestling videos so they send you all types, but one of the channels is only Ric Flair promos from the 80s and now I can no longer deny the allegations; sure, send me everything if I get to see Nature Boy strutting around.
I’m seein’ double! Four Douglas Fairbankses!!
A dreaded sunny day / so I meet you at the cemetery gates
Reposted byAvatar Erik E Erik
finally got around to Godzilla Minus One and holy shit that's the best movie I've seen in ages
Buying cables for some home theater changes and it is endlessly weird that cable connection ends are referred to as ‘male’ or ‘female’.
A copy of this boutique pressing of REM’s Murmur would fix me
Reposted byAvatar Erik E Erik
They should make sports betting illegal again
Reposted byAvatar Erik E Erik
Everyone: Okay, about to start this Godzilla Minus One movie. Pray 4 Tokyo lol Everyone 90 minutes later: God in heaven. Cinema is the language of dream and nightmare. War is a crime against life itself
I honestly look forward every single day to reading a few pages in my latest natural history book before I go to bed. I used to scroll my phone and dropped that during Covid. I am only sad I didn’t start reading routinely every day earlier.
Do you ever get sad because you think about all the books you won't get to read in your lifetime?
I really hope Leicester City’s rumored manager adopts the nickname “Rude Man”, because I would cheer every time I heard Peter Drury talk about Ruud ‘Rude Man’ Van Nistlerooy.
I had planned a Valleyfair visit that would be quiet, and today ticked all the boxes 1. Weekend during the June weekday middle school visits 2. Middle of long holiday weekend and unforeseen bonus for today: 3. Cloudy and high 60s so less water interest. No waits on any of the big rides so far.
When I was 18, I was staying at a hotel with my family for a night, met an attractive, married 24yo while in a hot tub, and ended up bar-hopping UW State Street in my bare feet, swim trunks and no ID (and never drinking), as she told the bouncers to let me in and each obliged. Night ended chastely.
What's something about you that sounds made up but it's not? Mine is one time I made a t shirt for my bicycle gang and it looked too much like a motorcycle club logo so I had to go before a Bandidos general and plead my case to use it and also not to be killed