
FYI folks I’ve seen the “ideology gap” story about GenZ men becoming increasingly conservative going around a lot and the data is extremely problematic and being widely panned by scientific experts as biased and poorly analyzed. Prob best to stop sharing it:
You saw the headline, now look at what happened when scientists actually evaluate the headline
It's been really annoying me because there's some valid concerns about algo/bellwethering but this is just really not good.
It's the arrowheads that are sending me. Between putting South Korea first because it has the apparently largest effect size, and then these arrowheads implying ETERNAL CONTINUATION OF THE LINES IN THEIR CURRENT DIRECTION - it's giving Deeply Dishonest Data Presentation
This is definitely a big part of the problem here. When you see the 2023 US data he shared it actually shows men trending up so? The implication of undisrupted down is 😬
It reads like something that people who don't, oh, work, or sell to, or interact with GenZ people would believe because it confirms their prior assumptions and biases.
i think i would know if nazis were running around my neighborhood - i live in a mid sized city and if anything, the average white person is left of liberal, but apolitical and disengaged from any kind of radical activity. The "men problem" is probably apathy, not radicalism, which is worse, imo.
Yeh but some of the criticism is a bit problematic too, and has been responded to. But people enjoy a pile-on. Especially dudes with numbers.
Yeh but he's explained why there's the disparity... he didn't use the dataset with the 2022 change as Traina says, the data they are showing is sampled and calculated differently. It's not unusual for surveys not intended for that purpose not to replicate.
Fair enough but we should still be highly skeptical of any small-scale survey purporting to dictate the belief systems of vast numbers of people.
I'd add that I've seen a LOT of academics from top universities make shouty claims of their research in the headlines of their blogs and media that don't really reflect the nuances of what can be concluded from their data. There's a touch of elitism here.
As a science journalist, I definitely get it LOL I’ve been yelled at by these folks my whole career 🤪
I might delete, I have to think about it. The initial data sends up a lot of red flags even with his rebuttal.
I feel like the critiques (and I have only seen them about the US chart) are telling us more about the critics' priors than about the data.
Agreed. I wrote about it on the bad place (wish threading was better here) but a lot of the critiques read as more gatekeepy: "stay in your lane, mere journo---the Scientists™️ have something to say." IMHO, this was a pretty good illustration of the social process of Science.
Good new info from on why the ideology gender gap oped shouldn’t be taken at face value
The only Gen Z folks I see that are conservatives in my Atlanta metro suburb are the already indoctrinated. Mega-church members, children of the wealthy, and tragically, the extremely poor who have the wool pulled over their eyes by folks like Andrew Tate and PragerU videos.