
If your anti-bigotry bill has bipartisan support, and one half of those supporters are self-proclaimed, full-throated, unashamed white supremacists, maybe you should ask yourself if your bill is actually anti-bigotry.
the federal government, led by an ascendant explicitly white christian nationalist faction in control of one of the two major parties, producing a legally enforceable definition of antisemitism is one of the worst things i can imagine for american jews, and the congress just passed precisely that
yeah it's extremely fucking befuddling to say they are the party of January 6 and disorder but they actually got it right here. it just undercuts actual hate speech
In my direct experience, I find the first step in breaking through hasbara impacted American Jews is explaining “new antisemitism” is bunk as Americans are allowed an opinion on the morality of a country receiving so much of their tax dollars.
From there discussing the Hannibal directive and Israels history of eugenics pulls back more of the veil on what Israel actually means to American Jews who believe it as crucial to their identity. Many American Jewish “zionists” have no idea what that term really and truly means
Finding out that Israel admitted to the forced use of abortion on Ethiopian Jewish women really made me start understanding why so many American Jews were under the delusion that Black Judaism is equivalent to Black Hebrew Israelites or how they must simply be “confused”
Also, Zionism as we know it today is only a little over 100 years old, not some core aspect of Judaism.
Agreed but I’ve found that unconvincing and easy to mentally reject as the events of the 20th century having required the need for such a movement. Historical debate on founding becomes useless quickly vs understanding modern implementation of the political movement.
Yeah like I’ve had so many failed conversations around attacks against Palestinians because of metric tons of propaganda. This is a good back door I’ve found to start chipping away
Oh, they don't need to ask. They know.
They love that delicious pile of AIPAC money they get out of it, I'm sure.