
We understand this correct? Project 2025 is not fringe on the right. It's just that everyone in the center and on the left doesn't pay attention to evangelicals cause y'all think they're funny and weird instead of wildly fucking dangerous. Project 2025 is dead serious and extremely popular.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Those of us who grew up Evangelical, even in the 1960s and 1970s, have been screaming about this for years.
I was only evangelical for a year or two in my early 20s and even I have known enough to take them seriously for quite a while. My serious advice to everyone who doesn't is, go watch the Shiny Happy People docuseries on Prime. If the last episode doesn't give you the chills, idk what to tell you.
When I read the bullet points of this thing, I thought "Yeah they've wanted all this stuff for years" but it's never been organized and entirely gamed out like this before, so that's the difference I guess.
I grew up being told that Jesus was coming back any day now and that we needed to live our lives accordingly. It sounds and is insane but when you mold your entire community around it, perverse evil like Project 2025 is so easy to accept. Take them at their word on their wishes.
I could do a whole series of absolutely insane religious things from my childhood and I wasn’t raised in a totally bonked community.
Please do. We need to fight back aaginst them and it would be useful toward that cause
So, Crazy Fundie Chronicles #1. Let's start with a light one: I was in first grade (late 80s-ish) and went up for the children's lesson before the kids left for Sunday School. This was usually taught by a volunteer who would talk about the Bible lesson for the day or similar. One day... (1/5)
I feel like I just knew that the Heritage Foundation was the one setting policy, giving judicial picks, etc. It has been weird to realize not common knowledge?
Yep. Anyone who grew up in white evangelical spaces has been hearing this for decades. They are very serious and they’ve been working for it for a long time.
that's why I thought people were a little too mean to the "internet atheist" types; a lot of the criticism seemed to be coming from people who didn't think white evangelicals were a threat to anyone
It was all highly relevant and still is. We need critisism of organied religion more now than ever
I wish more people watched Shiny, Happy People - folks probably saw ' Duggar daughter' and tuned out - but it is really about the christian dominionist cult the Duggars belong to. scary af
Also worth noting that the Evangelical movement is mostly headed by literal scammers who suck vulnerable people dry but because they mostly prey on poor people, nobody cares. They found those that are invisible to society, sucked them dry and convinced them facism will save them. It's terrifying
Saw a punk nearly deck a Evangelical in the streets for talking shit. Punks are awesome.
Living amongst them for two years before I transitioned taught me everything I needed to know. The cruelty and indifference they'll show for those they see as different is horrifying, and they'll put it all on display if they think you're one of them or compatible/co-opt'ible.
Indeed! I know there’s a lot of “make it well known” chatter on here, and that can apply to disengaged voters, but to a lot of conservatives I know would be fully behind it, and have drunk the kool aide for long enough that appeals to patriotism have no effect.
They're funny and weird in a very dark way, but they also include really quite a lot of dangerous people who have a belief system that would not struggle with the morality of filling mass graves
Any atrocity can by justified if it's "God's will" when your morality comes from religion exclusivly
To be blunt, every single person on the left is taking it serious and thinks it is a major issue and dangerous as hell. I haven't seen a single person on the left think otherwise. Plus, evangelicalism is a right-wing movement by the Christian right. Its the reason we leftists are scared by it.
Glad to hear you know every single person on the left! Please tell them to get their shit together!
I actually don't sadly... I know there might be some leftist that doesn't take Project 2025 seriously, but the thing is I wouldn't know them as I am only big in the leftists that are furries. The leftists that aren't furries and are those white communist theorists probably don't take 2025 as serious
I honestly don't consider those communist theorist type folk leftists half the time since they often embrace a lot of reactionary shit and they often simp for Putin... they are red fash to me... fake leftists that wear the mask of leftism but frequently skew right.
Ok so let's not make broad sweeping statements then cause the reality is a lot of people don't know about it and don't take it seriously and assuming they do prevents us from spreading the message.
You make an excellent point, I wouldn't have made the broad statement if it wasn't for the damn character limit in posts. I can't find everything I want to say in a post, as such I have to cut stuff out of my posts and it tends to get pretty messy and get the wrong message across when it happens.
I wanted to say fit everything not find everything, but we got no edit button on bluesky. I really wish we could get an edit button. Oh, and longer posts. I would pay for longer posts and an edit button. It would solve a lot of misunderstandings.
💯 There’s nothing in that list that doesn’t ring true for me growing up in fundecostalism through the 80’s & 90’s. It’s a wishlist of things that I Have heard talked about by Australian fundie Pentecostals, that was imported from the USA.
Yeah I'm sure my parents would love it
I wish people would understand it doesn't go away with Trump either. He's their opening, he's their current guy but the school of thought this originates from has been professionalizing since at least the 1970s and will remain
With the crazies, of course. Most normal people see it and think WTF.
Who thinks evangelicals are funny and weird? Those people seriously scare the shit out of me, and I’ve been threatened by multiple cracked out psychotic drug dealers with guns.
IMO America being socially fragmented along political lines helped this go unnoticed until it was too far along to ignore. Lots of non-magas have had falling outs with their families, and those are the type of people that dismissed this previously as fox news and facebook propaganda.
As someone who grew up Evangelical and still has a lot of connections within that movement (kind of unavoidable where and how I live), none of this was a surprise to me. Evangelicals do not believe in the supposed fundamental principles of our supposed democracy. +
They do not believe in freedom of speech or religion for actions but themselves. They do not believe in equal rights for all people, especially not for women and LGBTQ people (or people of color but most of them won’t admit that to themselves even). +
They do not even believe in a secular, limited government - they have just been willing to settle for one until they can implement an authoritarian Christian one. +
And all of these ideas are framed as benevolent because in their view, the root of all social and economic problems is not being Christian enough, and if everyone in the country just became Christian (read: evangelical), all our problems would magically go away. +
So yeah, they don’t believe in no-fault divorce or any kind of abortion rights or any kind of civil rights protections for minorities. They think the EPA and public education are evil. They think all social safety nets enable laziness, even if they rely on those safety nets themselves. +
Evangelicals may constitute a minority of Americans, even if American voters, but they are still one of the most influential voting blocs in the country and they have been shaping the GOP platform for decades. People need to pay attention to them or they won’t see what’s coming.
I read this 2 years ago and have been talking about it since. The fake Christian Evangelicals and dumbed down conservative MAGA refused to read it. The MEGA Churches and Trump tell them what to read. Not everyone one on the left aren't paying attention or find it funny.
Policy | Project This book is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include former elected officials, world-renowned econom...
I agree that it's not something new or shocking, that it's just a typical right-wing policy wishlist as well as a blueprint to make those policies reality. I definitely disagree that it's popular, or that the rest of us are somehow not aware of these freaks. We know all about them.
It's *extremely popular* and the wishful thinking that it's not is extremely naive. If you know all about them then you should know that.
Popular amongst THEIR kind, you mean? That I can definitely believe. I just meant in general.
All the normie politics-curious people I know just found out about all this last week, and are appropriately appalled and terrified lol.
Thats probably why the right kept Project 2025 under wraps. Doesn't exactly help their image with the undecided. Which just gives me even more reason to warn as many people as possible about it.
Oh, I don't feel like they kept it under wraps! It's just that think-tank transition plans don't normally break through to the public. This one is just so floridly extreme and wacky though, plus they gave it like a Supervillain Master Plan name on purpose!
Yes that's what I mean. The entire right.