Erin McInnis

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Erin McInnis

Small town girl, living in a lonely world. Fan of camping, kayaking and cruising. She/her. Originally from Dawson Creek, BC, which is not the same as Dawson's Creek, WB. Currently in Vancouver, BC.
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Why the fuck does BC Ferries need my gender when making a reservation?
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Prelim M 4.8, Vancouver Island, Canada Region #earthquake (14.07.2024 02:25:23 UTC) at 10.0 km depth. Event updates:
After spending an hour today hauling cow poop-infused water from the dugout to the garden because the forecast showed no rain for the next nine days, it’s now pouring. 🌧️
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Times are wild. Here's a photo of Gillian Anderson
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Penzy's Spices is offering $50 gift cards for $35 this weekend. And they're going to commit to using the money to annoy Republicans. Big sale on their Remember Jan 6th stuff too! purchase link: Explanation link (Facebook):
Special Offer Penzeys Gift The perfect gift for the person who has everything.
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
The extreme heat wave has broken and there’s a good breeze but it’s still damn hot and no rain in the forecast but dry lightning maybe? Not great for the forest fires.
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Prelim M 5.1, Vancouver Island, Canada Region #earthquake (11.07.2024 16:17:26 UTC) at 10.0 km depth. Event updates:
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Prelim M 6.2, Vancouver Island, Canada Region #earthquake (11.07.2024 15:08:50 UTC) at 10.0 km depth. Event updates:
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
“No one was consulted in this decision – not the biologists, not the independent conservation groups, not the First Nations. …It’s an absolute slap in the face to the province’s grizzly recovery plan.”
The Canadian province of Alberta has quietly reversed a two-decade ban on hunting grizzly bears, in what conservations described as a “slap in the face” amid continuing debate over the future of the threatened species.
Canada: grizzly bear hunting quietly reinstated in Conservationists say it’s a ‘slap in the face’ to those who are trying to save the threatened species
At one point another Erin McInnis lived a couple of blocks from me, ran the same half marathons as me (bitch was like three minutes faster), and went to the same hair salon. Once they sent an appointment confirmation for my haircut to her by mistake and she cancelled it.
I highly recommend setting up a Google Alert for your own name so you can see what you are up to in alternate universes and timelines
I don’t know soccer/football but that reaction was bullshit.
Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Lacking energy due to the heat? 🥵 Repeat after me: many things worth doing are worth doing badly. Half-assed toothbrushing is better than none. Eating ice cream is better than not eating. Do what you can, and try not to feel guilty about it. You don't deserve that.
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Reposted byAvatar Erin McInnis
Man, it’s a hot one Like seven inches from the midday sun
A few years back, I was in Shanghai Disneyland, and the Flynn Rider in the parade was the *spitting image* of Justin Trudeau. It was eerie.
Prime Minister Disney Prince. 😂
A sub-section titled "What's that smell?"
A local news website simply titled "What's on fire?" Its sister site is "Why are there sirens?"
Watching the Bachelorette and honestly I'd send every single one of them with an intro gimmick home tonight.
Road trip update 3.3: made it home to the farm! Saw a few more deer and one moose. As soon as we got close to Dawson Creek it was like a switch was flipped and the wildfire smoke just appeared, very strong. But we're home and have the air purifier on. No more driving for a few days.
Road trip update 3.2: stopping for Pita Pit in Grande Prairie. Saw a few more deer.
Road trip update 3.2: stopping for Pita Pit in Grande Prairie. Saw a few more deer.
Road trip update day 3: having Dairy Queen Blizzards in Grande Cache at 9:30am (BC time) because why not? Many deer sightings.
Road trip update day 3: having Dairy Queen Blizzards in Grande Cache at 9:30am (BC time) because why not? Many deer sightings.
Road trip update 2.3: finally made it to Hinton. The Icefield drive is so freaking gorgeous. Didn’t see any wildlife until 20 minutes south of Jasper and then we got mountain goats, elk and deer.
My fellow Canadians of a certain age: do you remember the “A quarter has a caribou on it” song from Sesame Street? Because I just sang it as we entered a caribou corridor and my husband and mother both think I’m nuts.
Road trip update 2.3: finally made it to Hinton. The Icefield drive is so freaking gorgeous. Didn’t see any wildlife until 20 minutes south of Jasper and then we got mountain goats, elk and deer.
Road trip update 2.2: just about to cross into Alberta after lunch in Revelstoke and a siesta snooze outside Golden. Zero wildlife. Another motorcycle-vehicle collision right in Golden by a motorcyclist who we’d seen making unsafe high-speed passes earlier.
Road trip update 2.2: just about to cross into Alberta after lunch in Revelstoke and a siesta snooze outside Golden. Zero wildlife. Another motorcycle-vehicle collision right in Golden by a motorcyclist who we’d seen making unsafe high-speed passes earlier.
Road trip update day 2: hit the road early this morning, and have reached Kelowna. Aiming for Hinton but we’ll see where the day takes us. No wildlife yet today, other than a few hawks.